Chapter 60

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Chapter 60

Harry's POV

Sitting in the car outside the restaurant, I straightened my tie, running my fingers through my curls before popping a breath mint into my mouth. My heart was pounding rapidly in my chest and I was half an hour early, leaving me nervous and with nothing to do but wait.

The city was beautiful and I couldn't wait to have Addie with me so that we could explore, finding the most beautiful settings in all the city. For now, we had so much to get through; Prom, exams, and graduation. I knew in my heart that we would get through all of these things and be stronger than ever once we moved into our apartment. At times we'd get busy, unable to be with each other as much as we'd like, but we'd get through that too and emerge into adulthood with a strong, sound relationship.

As endless thoughts racked through my head, the sound of my ringtone filled the silence in the cab of the truck. I looked down to see Addie's face displayed on my phone screen. Her hair was pulled into a bun and she was covering her face when I'd snapped the picture so quickly that she barely had time to hide her face from the lens.

I quickly slid my finger across the glass, unlocking the phone to take the call. Instinctively, hearing her voice, I smiled.



"Is something wrong?"

"No...I just need to tell you something and I don't want you to be mad at me. I love you so much and..."

"What is it?" I urged, growing exceedingly nervous by the minute, taking note of her unsure tone, her usually smooth voice different somehow.

"Jake invited me to his party to celebrate and..."

"No. Addie, please don't."

"'s okay. Nothing is going to happen and Gemma and Phil are going to come with me. We're just going to go for a little while to hang out with Jake. Darren won't be there and I promise you that..."

"Addie..." I sighed, more nervous than ever and wishing that she wouldn't do this at all.

"Harry, I want to go."

"But I don't want you to! Addie, why are you doing this to me?"

"I'm not doing anything." She insisted and I sighed deeply into the receiver.

"Yes, you are. I don't want to fight with you but you're making it so hard. I don't want you to go without me. I'm only going to worry the whole time and I don't want to! I feel like you do this to me on purpose!"

"No...that's not true. You know it's not."

"Is Jake with you?"


"Let me talk to him." I said sternly and she didn't argue.

I heard the phone being passed to Jake, static and whispers filling the line as I tried to keep my composure and not just start yelling at Jake for inviting her. I expected that Addie would hang out with my sister at our place after the game but I didn't like these turn of events. I wasn't comfortable with it, but I knew how persistent Addie could be. She couldn't help it. She always wanted to see things through and test the limits. It was in her nature and by now I knew that standing in her way wasn't going to do me any good whatsoever.

"Hey, Harry!"

"Jake, listen to me. Don't you dare let her out of your sight. I want you with her the whole time. Don't get drunk and fuck some random girl like you always do. I want you to watch her, my sister too."

"Of course. It's not even what you think. It' going to be kind of small, I think. I won't let anything happen to your girl."

"Jake...this is pissing me off."

"She's safe with me, dude. Anyway, have you gone to your interview yet?"

"I'm walking in right now."

After a few final words, I hung up the phone, storing it in my pocket, not bothering to talk to Addie any longer. I had to clear my mind and not worry about her constantly, allowing the worry to take over everything that was currently keeping me calm. With deep, elongated breaths I pulled open the heavy doors, buttoning my suit jacket as my dress shoes clicked against the dark wood floors beneath me. Waiters and waitresses in fancy suits carefully carried trays of overpriced meals on fine china. I made my way the hostess' stand, smiling brightly at the redhead standing there.

"Hello sir, welcome. Will you be dining in tonight?"

"Actually, my name is Harry Styles and I'm here for Mrs..."

"Oh, yes...of course. You're here for your interview. Follow me, please."

I nodded and the young girl began walking, leading us back behind some swinging doors. In the corner in the lobby area, a fountain sat, trickling into a body of water where small fish of unique colors swam around. The place was absolutely exquisite and I could feel sweat producing on my forehead and under my arms.

"Mrs. Teagan is ready to see you."

I nodded and thanked the girl as she opened the door to a large office. I stepped inside, focusing on my breathing and smile as I met eyes with the lady I had spoken with on the phone. She was around forty, blonde and beautiful.

"Mrs. Teagan, it's a pleasure." I spoke and delivering a quick kiss to the back of her hand.

"I like you already." She chuckled and I sat down as she motioned to a plush chair, lined with silky, red padding.

I felt good about the interview already, somehow able to stay calm and collected. When I spoke, I enhanced my accent a little, taking note of the way she smiled every time I said something. I could tell she liked me and I kept eye contact all throughout the night, nodding and listening intently as she said something. All of my focus was on her and by third question she asked me, she was eating out of the palm of my hand.

This is going great.


I didn't do Addie's POV because the next chapter is going to be what happens at the party and I wanted to dedicate a whole chapter to that. Thank you guys so much for your support with this book. I really hope you check out some of my other books. xx.

Faith <3

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