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Saved Epilogue

Addie's POV

*Five Years Later*

I leaned against the wooden railing, clutching a mug of coffee as I looked down at the beach, the waves crashing on the beach where a couple of teenagers sat. I had been watching them from afar for weeks, their friendship or relationship reminding me of my own relationship with my perfect husband.

Sometimes late at night, we would sit out on the porch, watching the couple all day. I could never hear their conversations but I was secretly hoping that one day I would come out onto the deck to water the plants, finding them curled up and kissing or laughing loudly while they conversed.

Taking a sip of the warm beverage in my cup, I allowed the warm contents to soothe my insides. It had been ages since I'd been able to have coffee and now that I could, I took advantage of it every day. For my body to function properly, I would spend my early mornings and evenings on the deck until I had a full cup of coffee in my system. Sometimes my beautiful husband would join me after his 'fatherly duties' as he called them.

"Where's mama? Can you say mama...Mama! Mama! There she is!"

I turned around, leaning my back against the railing as I noticed all three of my people stepping over the threshold of the sliding glass doors. My goofy guy held my two little ones, one on either arm. The sight melted my heart and as he stepped closer, I pushed myself off the railing to greet them.

"Hey, baby." His voice was so gruff and it sent me into a full on swoon moment, my eyes scanning his body as he bounced our babies up and down, smiling as they made cute little noises.

My oldest was two years old, the second one just a single year younger in age. I had been pregnant for two full years, back to back pregnancies tougher than I could have ever imagined but I'd been blessed with two baby boys that I wouldn't trade the whole world for.

I stepped even closer to Harry, kissing his forehead lightly before ruffling his short hair. He had come home one night with his mop of curls chopped off, explaining to me that he needed a 'dad haircut.' I'd rolled my eyes at that but had to admit the look suited him, especially with the facial hair that always dotted his jaw and chin, giving him a more rugged appearance.

I never fought with Harry and the two of us had made the decision to be happy long ago. Following getting my degree after four years, I quickly found a job teaching third grade English and that same year, Harry opened his restaurant, a place just off the beach that boomed with business and brought in more money than I ever thought possible. It was his dream and he would take our sons, Braden and Braxton to work with him every day where they would play games with the employees on break. The two of us decided not to put them in daycare, working out our own routine but the result was that I had two children with hearts absolutely belonging to their father. He was an amazing dad and sometimes I even wished that I could have as much time with them as he got. Sometimes, I think he also wished the same.

Braden and Braxton were a good combination of the two of us, hair like Harry's but eyes and features more like my side of the family. They were beautiful and every day, I knew just how blessed I was to be given them. I scooped my one-year-old, Braxton up and after a crying fit, I bounced him up and down until he was happy and laughing.

"Oh my god."

Harry's words scared me and I quickly turned around to see him staring down at the beach. I followed his gaze, watching as the couple of teenagers below leaned in for a kiss. I smiled brightly, getting so excited that I began dancing around, bouncing Braxton while I poked at his chubby cheeks. Harry did the same with Braden, trying to talk to him in a baby voice that swept me away. The sun was setting over us and I looked up and the pink and orange streaks it caused to sweep through the sky. The beach was perfect and even though we were a couple of hours from our family, it was all worth it.

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