|| Epilogue ||

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"You're stupid"

"And you my little baby"

Quen just hugged him harder.

"You should have seen Quen's look when she saw me walking through the hallways in a dress for the first time", Louis rolled his eyes and she laughed, loosened her grip a bit, looked at Harry, too.

"You should have seen Louis' red cheeks when he saw that look"

"I'm going to the bathroom", said Louis annoyed and escaped her grip and stood up. Quen laughed and Harry looked at him with a smile before the bathroom door closed. Then he looked at Quen, who was already watching him.

"That must have been exciting. To see how Louis is developing"

Quen nodded.

"But even more exciting is to see how he is doing now"

At Harry's gaze she smiled and slid closer to him.

"Really. I didn't notice much of Louis at that time, I only noticed more and more when we saw each other how he felt better and at some point, he was with Jackson. And then... all I noticed was how he was completely sad and lost, how his whole world collapsed"

Lost in thought, she looked away, had that look in her eyes that Harry had only seen before when she had been absolutely serious.

"There wasn't much I could do for Louis back then. How could I? We didn't know much about each other. And suddenly we had to work together more than ever before. At least until the moment you and Louis came to my office and we met"

Again with a strange feeling in his stomach at the thought of how new and strange everything and everyone had been then and how familiar everything was now, he kept looking at her.

"And now I can watch in the front row as Louis recovers more and more, understands more and more how he wants to be as a person. He decided then how he wanted to dress, how he wanted to feel and be looked at. But right now, he is just learning what it is like to be human. He was so stubborn and closed. And like the last days I have never seen him like that. At Jacksons party, he..."

She smiled at the thought of the two of them talking last night on Jackson's terrace. The thought of their piercing together made her incredibly happy.

"I'm so happy to see him like this, Henry"

"I have the feeling not only he is developing", Harry replied quietly after a while and Quen grinned, looking at him.

"Yes, you have learned how much you like crossdresser"

"That's not what I mean"

Harry turned bright red and she laughed amused, throwing herself with her back on the mattress.

"I know. And you're right, I too have developed, I'm still at it. But it feels good to be someone for Louis, to support him, to be with him. We both needed that. And we thought all these years we didn't need anyone but work and ourselves. But I always needed Louis and he needed me"

Then she sat up, an amused sparkle in her eyes, but her features were serious.

"You've changed everything quite a bit, you know that?"

Laughing, Harry rolled his eyes.

"As if"

"Honestly, Henry. The day you came into my office with Louis, so much has changed since then"

"Do you want to say that a simple worker has changed the great and invincible Quen?"

"No, because you are more than a worker", she grinned, to which Harry rolled his eyes and looked away laughing. This made her become more serious before she sat up and put her hand on Harry's. Then the younger one's head turned back to her.

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