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"I'd like to start with -"

"Wait", L'eue Courante interrupted him directly and sat down at a table. Harry sighed and sat down opposite him.

"As I said, I want...", Harry broke off again when tea was served to him and looked at his counterpart in perplexity, who happily watched as he too was given a cup to drink from. He had always been very strict about serving him tea at the perfect drinking temperature.

"So, get on with it, or you won't even be able to talk about the poor people we're going to kill," sighed L'eue courante with a gesture of his hand, and Harry stared at him briefly, not knowing him well enough to know how this one had to hold himself back to not grin mischievously.

"But you...", he let it go and sighed; L'eue Courante was right, he surely had not much time left. It wouldn't surprise him if he'd really had an alarm clock set.

"I see that you're now prepared for this plan and you don't mind killing these people. But I don't think that this plan will have any real positive effects for you. What are you hoping for?"

L'eue Courante was silent, drank his tea with his eyes closed. Only when he realized that Harry wasn't  talking anymore, did he open his eyes and look at him innocently.

"What? I thought you wanted to finally be able to talk. Or did you realize how much you enjoy hearing me talk?"

Harry sighed, rather not going with it; the man probably just wanted to make Harry waste his three minutes.

"You're probably hoping for one less problem, but if we look at the perspective of... Killing Morth, it becomes clear that you and DEATH won't be seen like a powerful force, but rather like a stubborn child"

He noticed a movement beside him, which was immediately stopped by the raised hand of L'eue Courante. Perplexed, Harry looked at the black-haired man who looked at him provocatively.

"I-I had no intention of insulting you, L'eue Courante"

"I know. Go on", said the man calmly and put down his cup, looked at him honestly, suddenly seemed to be much more open. The black-haired man, on the other hand, snorted and looked away, stood up straight again like before.

"I just mean... if you just blow it all up; it won't stop Killing Morth from doing the same thing again. Rather, Killing Morth will know that DEATH wasn't able to withstand her pharmaceutical knowledge. I guess Killing Morth knows you well enough to know that you wouldn't just take advantage of an opportunity to outperform her just to blow it all up"

L'eue Courante was silent, sat back while he looked at Harry out for a moment. Harry didn't know whether that was good or bad, but he was still allowed to sit here, that was something.

"You could be right", he said then, and Harry looked at him in disbelief.


L'eue Courante sighed, placed the elbow of his right arm on the table so that he could rest his head on the back of his right hand. Meanwhile, he pouted slightly and swung the cup with his left hand to his right. Immediately the brown-haired security man served him tea. He also was probably the only security guard in the world who had the task of pouring tea after years of training. L'eue Courante was really a strange person.

"I just really thought my problems would disappear like that... because I couldn't watch any longer how...", he looked into the now full cup.

"I couldn't accept that I, that DEATH... that we really aren't able to do the same thing as... this...", he seemed to get angry again.

"L'eue Courante, let me help", Harry said now and the smaller one looked first further into the cup, then up at him.

"You have no special training in pharmacy"

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