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Louis looked up, saw Harry enter the house with a slight smile, but changed his gaze when he saw Louis' look. The two of them arrived downstairs and Dan's gaze also changed when he understood which person here had tattoos on his upper body.

"Is everything okay?"

"Uhm, yes, yeah", Dan cleared his throat. Louis looked everywhere but at Harry.

"Louis just had a lot to drink"

Harry's gaze became concerned and he raised Louis' chin to check his eyes.

"Really? Louis, are you okay?"

"I'd better leave you two alone", said Dan, giving Louis a hesitant smile before quickly walking back to the terrace where Rita immediately gave him a happy smile. Louis watched this while Harry's hand still held his chin.

"I didn't realize you'd had so much to drink"

Louis raised an eyebrow, but now he was looking at Harry.

"And did you notice that you drank a lot?"

Harry was silent.

"Maybe not"

Lois chuckled, which sounded sad, looked at the one bird on his chest that was tattooed there, then at his family chest where he could slowly enumerate each tattoo.

"Louis? Did Dan do something to you?"

"What? No"

Louis shook his head and Harry nodded slightly, putting one arm around his shoulders. Louis took a deep breath, noticing his whole body automatically leaning towards it, leaning closer to Harry. He immediately felt bad that for a moment he had thought about kissing Dan, let alone doing more. Simply because he had been drinking and he had been there and Louis himself had no relationship. It felt like he had cheated on Harry, even though that wasn't true; Harry and he could have sex with anyone else. But just the thought of imagining someone else with Harry...

"Can... can we go somewhere else?", Louis asked quietly, knowing full well that everyone on the terrace could see Harry hugging Louis, while the smaller one was allowing it and looking so confused. Harry nodded immediately and led him away from the door.

"Me and Quen were sitting on the couch over there earlier, no one will see us there"

Louis nodded slightly and the two walked in that direction. Louis sat down slowly and Harry quickly disappeared into the kitchen to get two glasses of water before sitting down beside him. Louis took one of the glasses, took a big sip.

For a while they were silent and Louis drank the glass of water empty, leaned back and tried to get a clearer head, which got better after some time and two more glasses of water. Harry gave him the time; he didn't mind just sitting here and looking after Louis anyway, why would he want to do anything else? He had let him out of his sight long enough. But he couldn't stop thinking about how Dan and Louis had come down after so long, Dan had disappeared so quickly and Louis was so exhausted. Of course, it was silly to think anything had happened, wasn't it? Dan was with Rita; was he even into men? And Louis? He would never make someone cheat on others. But again... Louis did look upset.

"Why did you sit here with Quen?"

Harry blinked in surprise to hear Louis' voice; a bit recovered. He blushed a bit; he could hardly say why he'd been talking to her.

"Uhm, not important. How are you?"

Louis nodded, shrugging his shoulders, put the empty glass on the table.

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