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Harry opened his eyes, hadn't understood at first what had just happened until he understood that it was Louis' lips that were pressing against his. Actually, he would think different. Actually, he would think how stupid Louis is, not only how unprofessional, but also how inappropriate it was in this situation and how crazy one could be. He would think all that. If he would think after all. Because his head turned off, because Louis' lips felt so good on his, his little hands in his hair, his tongue in his- Wait a minute!

Louis frowned when Harry didn't kiss back, pulled him even closer, deepened the kiss even more. He wanted to know how Harry kissed right now, otherwise he would go crazy! Just his full lips felt so unbelievable. But he didn't know how it felt. Because his lips suddenly disappeared because Louis' wrists had been grabbed and his hands had been taken away from Harry's head. Harry looked away again as before, said nothing, just breathed harder like Louis.

Louis had to smile. How cute Harry was. But he was right, they should concentrate on other things, who knows how long they had to live. But Louis just couldn't take it any longer.

He heard a sound; he and Harry looked straight at his chest. That thing had really survived?

"Pumpkin, can you hear me?!", a voice was heard softly beside all the noise.

Louis tapped on it immediately.

"Yes, I do. Harry and I are buried under some... shit"

The first sirens were heard in the distance and Harry wondered what had happened to everyone else. Quen seemed to have survived, but what about the others? What about Danielle? Was that her fault?

"All right, I'll locate you and we'll be right there"

Harry sighed in relief and Louis remained silent, now thought who could be helped at all. It was unlikely that everyone had survived this. What about Liam and Zayn? Louis swallowed.

"Hey", Harry said softly.

"First we need to get out of here so we can see what the others are like"

Louis was silent, then nodded only slightly, his grip on Harry's arms getting stronger. Danielle seemed to want to take everything away from him further and further. Just, if anything had happened to Quen. Lately Louis had somehow got used to her presence, he had never had that before, since she had always stayed in her bunker.


It was a while before Louis and Harry could crawl out of, but for that it had been a real effort, it had been very fast. But Harry was sure that this was mainly because Louis was down there.

"Mr, Styles, L'eue Courante, can you hear me?", they heard a female voice at one point and the two of them answered immediately.

"We'll inspect the broken ceiling and everything around you first and secure the areas that could collapse, so we have more time and it's less likely that if we leave a gap, the rest will collapse on you"

Harry sighed softly, but still relieved, while Louis remained silent.

When the time had come and Louis pressed his eyes together briefly, because a light fell directly into his eye through the resulting gap, the voice sounded again.

"Can you move safely towards the gap?"

"Yes, that should work", Harry replied, slowly trying to get off Louis.

"Mr. Styles, let L'eue Courante go ahead"

"I was going to", he mumbled, was eventually trained to think of him first in every situation. If he got out first and the gravel would break over Louis, DEATH would probably torture him until he died. Louis blinked in surprise. He would never have thought of anyone else first now. Sure, he was used to it in a way and many people had already sacrificed themselves for him, but with Harry it was somehow different. Nevertheless, it was almost impossible that Louis would crawl out in front of Harry, the two of them laid on top of each other, as there was no room anywhere else after all. Harry seemed to realize this now, Louis squeezed his upper arm briefly.

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