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Annoyed Louis groaned as he bent over the table, his arms resting on it. He was a fucking mafia boss and had to plan a fucking party and check the guest list?! This wasn't exactly what he had planned in his mind. The last few years it had been a lot easier. He was sick of today and it was only 3:00 p.m.. At least a few things were already done.

The door opened behind him and Louis didn't even look up to see who it was. It could only be Quen, Jackson (he better not -), Liam or Harry. And he didn't want any of them; basically everyone was bugging him.

"Hey, Louis"

Louis sighed at the voice, closed his eyes briefly. There had been a time he would have ordered the man to not call him that.

"Hi, Harry. How's everything going?", he answered, pushed away last night to not let the feelings the situation triggered inside of him come up again.

"I got an early start this morning and I've already done quite a bit. Here"

A hand entered his field of vision, holding some papers and notes. Louis stood up straight in surprise, took the pile from him.

"You're done with all of this already?"

"I had a little help", Harry smiled.

"I still wanted to talk to you, but I knew I must have done a bit of work to do that", the curly man added. It made Louis chuckle, before he threw the stack on the table, turned around, leaned against it.

"Alright, what's up?", the leader asked. Now Harry didn't seem to be in such a good mood, his smile fell and he began to look nervous.

"I, uhm... wanted to talk about yesterday"

"Why? We talked about it", the leader answered with a frown. Harry was silent and he kept looking at Louis' face thoughtfully. Why wasn't Louis showing any emotion?

"Because... I still have the want to say something about yesterday", Harry then clasped his hands together. The smaller looked at him questioningly, seemed to be confused at the same time.

"What?", he indeed asked. Harry looked away for a moment again, then back at him as if he wondered why Louis was confused now.

"Well, I could've said straight off that I'm tired; I wasn't able to, because I was so overwhelmed and you looked so pretty, but yes, still. You were disappointed and it was kinda my fault. I just wanted to tell you that and also that... I know that it took a lot of time and nerves. I'm sorry it was for nothing. You don't deserve it. Especially after the way I was so unhelpful to you because of the party preparations"

Louis was silent, had only stared at Harry in disbelief as he spoke. At the end of his speech Harry smiled slightly; insecure, but at the same time so confident and sweet.

"Uh...", for the first time Louis seemed to be really speechless.

"I... thank you", he answered then, looked away.

"That's, uhm, nice of you"

Harry apologized for yesterday and understood how much Louis had prepared for him, how much time he had taken? Wow.

"And unexpected", Louis laughed and ran his hand through his hair. At the remark, Harry frowned.

"Did you think I wouldn't care?"

Louis still didn't look at him, shrugged his shoulders as if it was normal to not talk about it again.

"Well, not exactly. I mean I know you want to have sex with me; I knew you'd think it's stupid we didn't"

"Louis", Harry shook his head.

"I meant, did you think I don't care that you took a lot of time to prepare this and planned this for us?"

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