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Harry spent the next two hours trying not to pass out and fall asleep. Louis on the other hand was doing as well as ever, started dancing and bawling with Taylor and Lizzo as if the evening was just beginning and as if it wasn't 8am. The nausea Harry had felt before had become better; he had drunk a lot of water, but noticed that he should perhaps have some... breakfast. Oh dear, his sleeping rhythm had gotten fucked up in the meantime.

"Oh, Henry! You don't look so dead anymore", Quen said in surprise as she walked halfway into him when he entered the dance room.

"Thanks, maybe I won't look the way I feel"

Quen laughed, put her arm around his shoulders, pulled him to one of the lounges.

"Come on, you won't have to hold on that long"

"I think it's cool here, but that nausea earlier was really unbearable. Aren't you tired?"

Quen nodded.

"Yes, I was about to pass out sometimes. But I was afraid Louis would wake me up with his whip"

Harry laughed, rolled his eyes.

"If even you're afraid of Louis, I really should be fucking scared of him"

"You aren't already?"

"Um... well, yes, but not enough it seems"

Quen grinned before the two of them threw themselves onto the soft couch with a sigh. Quen laughed through the gesture, putting his feet on the small table.

"You only should be afraid if you don't start having sex with Louis soon. That he hasn't seduced you already confuses me"

Harry was silent on that and at first Quen thought he'd fallen asleep or something, but when she looked at the brown-haired man, she saw him looking around, avoiding to look at her.


She pushed him, maybe using a little too much force, because Harry didn't have much strength left, almost flying off the couch. She laughed at it, watched him sit on the couch again properly, grumbling.

"He tried it?!"

"Well, maybe"

"Henry. Either you tell me everything now, or I'll make you tell me. But believe me, it won't be comfortable for you"

Harry sighed. He really should take Quen serious.

"It was... I don't know, a few days ago. But nothing happened"

"You blocked?"

Harry nodded slightly, suddenly feeling bad about it again. But you're not supposed to feel bad for something like that, for not being ready. But he wondered the whole time whether it was really what Louis had said. Had he been ready, but just had thought too much? Because when he was drunk, he seemed ready. Jesus.

"How did you do that? I don't think any man has ever done that before. I mean, it's not like Louis takes his clothes off for every man he sees"

She said it in a funny tone, but Quen was telling the truth. As you know, Louis didn't sleep with the first guy he met. And Quen knew one thing: If Louis wanted something, he wanted it and would do anything to get it. No half measures.

"Well, I..."

Harry cleared his throat; he was kind of uncomfortable talking about it.

"I just meant I'm not ready for it yet"

Quen raised an eyebrow with a chuckle.

"You. Not ready. Don't make me laugh. You undress him with your eyes every day, you got a blowjob earlier, and you two were about to fuck in the pool a few hours ago"

Boss Bitch || Mafia!Larry || 1 ||Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora