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"By the way, Henry, you don't have to be afraid, no food left over gets thrown away"

"And whose credit is that?", said Louis now and Quen grinned, laying her head on her hand.

"Yes, our L'eue Courante really has a very big...", she glanced at Harry, causing him to cough embarrassingly.

"Empathic value", Quen finished her sentence with satisfaction. Louis looked suspiciously back and forth between Harry and Quen.

"Just because I don't want to waste food? It's annoying enough getting it here in the bunker"

"What are you doing with the rest of the food?"

"It comes to the former pets of L'eue Courante, who were naughty and Louis became bored with, and are now kept in my little chamber in my lab"

"Exactly, but we'll have to enlarge the cage now, because there are so many of them now", Louis sarcastically remarked, and Harry had to admit that he could imagine Quen really holding people somewhere in her laboratory. But whether Louis really had so many... male visitors he couldn't really estimate. It was probably just a joke of Quen. But her innuendoes must have made it clear that Louis liked men, right? Or was it just to tease him about his taste in clothes? Just because he did that doesn't make him gay...?

"At least you're honest with Henry. After all, if he doesn't pleasure you enough, he's gotta prepare for what's gonna happen to him soon"

"If there really was such a cage, you'd have to go in there first, because your insinuations give me no pleasure at all"

"Hm, how lucky for me that I'm not your type... I'm not a man – Outch!"

Louis looked at her angrily as he kicked her shin with his high heels.

"My goodness, Louis, you're even more scratchy today than usual. And even though I look like it, I'm not into pain, so if you're into that, that's your business, but leave me out of it"

"Eating with you is a real torture"

"Why? I just want to say that I'd rather be the one causing the pain"

"You cause me psychic pain, congratulations"

Quen laughed amused and Louis rolled his eyes.

"Now let's get down to the real issue, so that Quen can shut up for once", Louis put down his cutlery, leaned back, looked at Harry.

"We have now located all the medication counterfeiting companies. Tomorrow we plan to break into the biggest one"

"So quick?!", Harry asked in surprise and now Quen answered.

"Well, now there are two geniuses and not just one anymore", she said and poked her long red nail of her index finger into Louis' cheek.

"I want you to come with me", Louis pushed her hand away, kept looking at Harry.

"Me? But what can I do?"

"I need your help", Quen said seriously.

"You and me have to make sure Louis doesn't wear high heels and a dress that's too tight and short"

Alarmed, Louis looked at her.

"I'll decide what I'm going to wear, no one has to interfere!", he said defiantly and Quen gave Harry a look.
"You see"

"Don't change the subject now. Harry, I want you to find some people to go with you. Not many, just a few who can directly trace how many and what kind of medication they're counterfeiting. Quen will take care of gathering all the data on the containers and packages. If anyone can hack into the program, it's her"

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