"I don't care whether you hate me or not, it's not like I will die or anything. But don't you ever dare call me useless. Just because you were born with a silver spoon and pooped gold you now think you are father universe. Booooom Blaise the world doesn't revolve you. As you said just like me you are just a pathetic addition to this fucked up world.So don't ever dare think yourself better than I because I am more human than you in terms of respect and personality. Yours stinks."I tell him shouting at the end and looked into his eyes.

I saw his pupils narrow to slits as silence enveloped us except our breathing.I looked at him with the same intensifying loathing that I felt burning through my veins.

All the hatred I had within me was pumping through my veins and it demanded to be released. Whatever he saw in my eyes made him surprised caused he gaped a little.

I turned around to find the Ramirez family with their jaws down on the floor. We didn't hear them coming through our heated fight and by the looks of it they had been there for long.

Well looks like I did not make a good first impression after all. I just punched their son though he deserved it. Who cares anyway?

I head towards them to bid them goodbye.

When I reached them Mr Ramirez congratulated me for putting his son in his well deserved place. Claire was still perplexed. Brett and Clarissa were silently laughing. Hailey looked as if blood has been drained from her face.

I bid them goodbye and a lovely night. I had the urge to look back and I did.

Blaise was still standing in the exact same spot I left him on and he was blazing with anger. I am deadly sure smoke was emitting through his ears as they looked dark red. He was looking down both his hands clenched into a fist.

"Blaise.." I called out to him and his head jerked up.

"Guess what.. I found something uglier than your face. It's your personality."I said that to spite him more. I felt everyone gasping.

I knew he loved his face more than anything in his body. It was his signature.

With that Blaise punched the wall. I felt the walls shaking. If that was my face I would be looking for my teeth everywhere right now.

I turned around head out as I hear Claire running to him asking him if he was okay. I didn't hear the rest of it as I made my way out.

The night cool breeze hit me making me shiver a little at the same time calming me. I stood at the front door with my eyes closed trying to cool down my rage.

When I opened my eyes I found Clarissa smiling at me with an apologetic look.I just nodded at her. I didn't have the energy for talking.

"Come let me take you to your house."She said leading me to the garage for her car.

We both got inside and headed out. There was utter silence in the car. I was looking out of the window and Clarissa concentrated in her driving.

She was silent for the first time since I met her. If I knew this was the only way to silence her I would have done it long time ago just to shut her up.

When we got home I thanked her for the ride. When I was about to reach out for my door she stopped me.

"I am so sorry Talie. I knew you guys couldn't stand each other but I didn't know it was this bad. I blame myself. If I didn't force you to this dinner this wouldn't have happened."she says her hands flying everywhere. It was a funny sight. My Rissa was back.

" It's fine Rissa. I don't blame you for that obnoxious jerk's sins. He is a buthead okay."I answer.

" Yeah I know.... Wait what did you call me. I told you I was getting under your skin. Now you have given me a nickname."she squels.

" Is that the only thing you heard. It was a mistake besides your name is too long for my liking."I say shrugging.

" You not fooling anyone you know that right."she chuckles.

" Goodnight Clarissa. I am so tired."I say opening the door.

" Nyt nyt bestie. By the way you guys were epic. You made my day."she said laughing.

I glared at her but she just raised her hands in mockery. I will kill this girl after I have killed Blaise.

I turned around and walked to my house when I reached the door I opened it. I turned to find Clarissa still waiting for me to go inside and waved at her.

She waved back and drove away but not before saying something that made me want to kill her. "Bye future sister in law. Blaise and I both love you."

I shake my head.I get inside the house and lock the door behind me.

I shout out to Pa and tell him I got home safe. They always worry about my safety. So always I have to tell them that I am safe so they can sleep in peace as Nana always say.

I headed straight to my room.When I got there I immediately went to the bathroom because I knew if I sat on that bed I wasn't going to take a bath. I took the quickest bath I ever had.

I wore my nighties which consisted of black shorts that barely covered my butt and my big black shirt that was written I love to sleep on the front.

I jumped on the bed and reminisced about my day before sleep consumed me. But not without one thought. I loathe Blaise Rhett Ramirez.

💖💕💕💕💕💕💕💕Blaise... Blaise... He deserves some punches.

Loathing Mr Cocky Billionaire Where stories live. Discover now