49. You're here peanut

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Harry closed the door behind them and they rode the elevator down to the entrance of the building. Louis's waddle was worse than it had been, he had to walk with his legs spread a bit apart now. When his water broke, Louis felt the baby drop a lot, he could feel the baby's head between his hips and it was very unpleasant.

The minute Louis sat on the car, and Harry closed the door, he started having another contraction, they were getting more painful and longer to Louis's displeasure. He closed his eyes and balled his hands into fists to try to cope with the pain, but it was getting so bad, all Louis wanted to do was cry.

"Louis you need to breathe, you're holding your breath" he heard Harry say from the driver's seat.

Louis shook his head, he just wanted the contraction to be over, and when it did he let go of the air he had been holding in and opened his eyes.

"Baby don't do that, you need to breathe through the contractions" Harry said.

"I know, I know" Louis nodded and tried to get comfortable on the seat "Can we go now? This seat is too uncomfortable".

"Yeah, of course" Harry said and started the car.

"Haz?" Louis asked after five minutes.

"Yes Boo?".

"I need you to promise me that you won't let me get the epidural, even if I beg you and I cry" Louis explained.

"Lou I can't promise that" Harry refused.

"Harry please, I truly don't want it, but maybe I'll say I want it at some point, and you have to be strong for me and say no" the pregnant boy insisted.


"Promise me, please Hazza".

There was silence in the car, there was only the noise from the engine.

"Please" Louis insisted.

"Okay" Harry sighed "I promise".

They arrived at the hospital 10 minutes and a contraction later. Harry took the bags from the trunk and then helped Louis out of the car and they walked slowly to the entrance of the maternity ward.

Once inside, Louis was led into a room on a wheel chair and Harry stayed in the entrance filling in some forms. A girl helped Louis change into a hospital gown and into the bed, put on IV on him and said that a another midwife was going to be there soon.

"Hi love, I'm Jenny" said a middle aged woman walking in the room with a chart in her hand followed by Harry.

That's when he felt another contraction coming, it always started in his back and made his way up to his tummy, tightening all his insides. Louis rolled down on his side and tried to curl into a ball, but it was difficult with his big belly in the way. He felt Harry's gentle hands on his back trying to relieve the pain, and it helped, but not as much as he would have wanted to.

"Louis I'm going to put a fetal monitor around your belly to see how the baby copes with the contractions, alright?" Jenny said when Louis's contraction passed.

"Yeah" he nodded.

Louis laid on his back again, and she put a belt around his belly and the baby's heartbeat filled the room. That sound made Louis relax, so he closed his eyes trying to rest before a contraction started again. Louis could hear the midwife talking to Harry about when Louis's water broke and how far apart the contractions were.

"I'm going to check how much you've dilated, is that okay honey?" Louis heard Jenny ask so he opened his eyes.

Louis nodded and she lifted up the sheet that was covering him.

Maybe It Was Meant To Happen ~ larry mpreg au ~ book 1Where stories live. Discover now