26. Why are you being so difficult today?

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Louis was frustrated. Harry had earlier classes that day so he had left the flat hours ago and now he was coming back to pick him up to walk him to class but Louis couldn't get his coat's zipper up. Apparently his bump had grown overnight, yesterday he had been able to close it, with a little effort, but he had managed. December weather had already set and it was freezing outside, he couldn't go out without a closed warm jacket or coat and this had been the last of them that fit.

Louis huffed, took it off and sat down on a chair in the living room deciding he was not going to be able to leave the house. The front door opened and Harry walked in, his cheeks were flushed from the cold outside, which confirmed that he wouldn't be able to go out.

"Louis what are you doing sitting there? We're going to be late, come on" Harry said when he saw him sitting.

"I can't go out, I'm going to freeze" Louis replied crossing his arms.

"Then put on your coat baby" he said walking to the abandoned coat that was resting on the back of a chair.

Harry held it for Louis to put it on but that only caused Louis's bottom lip to quiver and his eyes to water.

"It doesn't zip anymore" he said trying to stop the tears from falling "I'm too big".

"Oh" Harry bit his lower lip "Why don't you try mine Boo? I think it's bigger than yours so it will probably close" Harry said taking his black coat off.

"But then you'll freeze" Louis said refusing to accept it.

"I'll just wear something else babe, don't worry about me" he held the coat open in his arms for Louis.

Lou nodded and stood up and he let Harry put the coat on him. He tried to button it and surprisingly it worked (but barely), probably because Harry was taller than him so the coat was bigger.

"There, all better. Now you're warm" Harry said and kissed Louis nose.

"Thanks Haz" Lou said.

Harry left for their room probably to get something else to wear and Louis snuggled on Harry's coat, it smelt like him, he loved Harry's smell. He put his hands on the pockets and found Harry's favourite beanie there and he put it on as well.

"Hey little thief! I lent you the coat not the beanie" Harry said trying so sound angry but he laughed instead.

"You can use mine" Louis said getting his beanie from the coffee table where he had left it.

"Fine" he said and pulled the burgundy beanie on his head, it looked good on him, but probably because Harry looked good in everything "Let's go now".

Harry held his hand for his boyfriend to take, and he did.

"This coat is only going to button for a week or two max" Louis said while they walked through campus heading to Louis classroom.

"I'll buy you a new one Lou, don't worry" Harry said.

"No, you can't" Louis shook his head.

"Why not?"

"Because it's on the list Haz! Didn't you read it?" Louis took out his phone from his pocket and searched for it "Here, number 15, 'No expensive clothes', and coats are expensive so, you can't buy one".

"Lou don't be ridiculous, you need one, winter is just starting, you need to keep yourself and the baby warm" Harry said.

"Yeah, but the list exists for a reason Haz" Louis argued.

"That list should have emergency exceptions, because this is one" Harry protested.

"Well, it doesn't, so you won't be buying me a new coat, I'll just find another solution for this" replied Louis

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