3. This doesn't mean I don't love you

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Louis woke up feeling like crap, he was hangover and he had cried himself to sleep last night, so his head hurt, his mouth was dry and his eyes were swollen. Everything that happened last night came flashing back to him and he wanted to cry again. He walked to the bathroom and took a shower to feel better, but frankly the only thing that could make him feel better was if Harry showed up today and told him he didn't want to break up and they could work on things.

The truth was, Louis knew he had fucked things up. What was wrong with him? Harry was an amazing boyfriend, he was always there for him and was always willing to go to any length to give him what he wanted. Why had he been such a baby and complained about those little things constantly? He understood now how all the stupid comments hurt his boyfriend, and he regretted acting like a brat. But was it a good enough reason to break up? They had been dating for almost 2 years, they were even going to live together in the fall!

He was boiling water to make tea when the doorbell rang, he knew it was Harry, so he made his way to the door, took a deep breath and opened it. There stood Harry, obviously handsome eventhough his eyes were swollen, very much like his own.

"Hey" he said with a sad smile on his face.

"Hey" Louis said back "Come in....would you like a cup of tea?"

"No thanks Lou"

They sat in the couch, but apart from each other, none of them saying a word, it was really awkward, and Louis didn't like that, things had never been awkward between them. They sat there in silence for a couple of minutes until Harry decided to talk.

"I though about what happened last night and I realized I exaggerated the whole thing, so I don't think we should break up..."

"I'm so glad you don't want to break up Hazzie, I love you so much" Louis cut Harry off mid sentence feeling relieved.

"... but I think we should take a break" Harry finished.

"What?!" Louis exclaimed in disbelief, tears starting to form in his eyes.

"I think it would be good for both of us if we took a break, so we can think about what we want". The curly boy explained.

"But i know what I want, I want to be with you" Louis was already crying... again.

Harry sighed, and looked up, his eyes glossy. "This doesn't mean I don't love you, because I do, so much, but I need to be alone for a while to think about us and if we can make it as a couple".

Louis could not believe this, it felt unreal, his loving boyfriend, who had always said they would be together forever was telling him he wanted a break.

"I don't need to think about anything, I love you" Louis sobbed.

"But you do, you need to decide if you want to be with me despite my faults. Lou, you keep pointing out something about me that I can't change, I am not spontaneous with romantic gestures, and I think that is important to you because you keep bringing it up" He sighed and continued "Please think about this and when we come back to Uni in the fall we can decide what to do about our relationship".

"B-but what about the apartment next year? We were going to live together Harry! You can't do this to us!" Louis protested.

"You can take the apartment and I will live with Niall, for a while at least" Harry replied.

"But..." The blue eyed boy continued.

"Please Lou don't fight it, I think it's for the best, we're not breaking up, it's just a little break" Harry looked at him, a single tear rolling down his right cheek.

Maybe It Was Meant To Happen ~ larry mpreg au ~ book 1Where stories live. Discover now