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Louis met Harry Styles on his first day of Uni. He was lost, he couldn't find the room where his psychology class was being held and it started in 3 minutes. Louis was shy, he was not the kind of person to just go ahead and talk to strangers to ask directions, but one of the reasons he decided to go to a school far away from home was to come out of his shell. He decided that this was one of the situations in which he needed to stop being afraid to talk to people, so he did it, gathering all the confidence he could manage.

"Excuse me" Louis shyly said to a guy that was just passing by him. He was taller than him, and wore skinny black jeans and a flannel shirt; the hair that was coming out of his beanie was light brown and curly, and it made Louis want to touch it.

"Yeah?" Answered the boy turning towards Louis, and as his green eyes looked at him, he realized this boy was really handsome, which made Louis loose the little confidence he had managed so far.

"Um... hey... D-do you know where classroom..." He looked at his class schedule "...126A is?" Louis asked.

"Yeah sure, I'm headed there actually, why don't we walk there together?" He looked at his phone "We should hurry class is starting in a minute".

He looked at Louis again and smiled a dimpled smile. Agg he couldn't believe it, he was becaming more attractive by the minute.

"I'm Harry by the way, Harry Styles" He introduced himself as Louis followed him around campus. "What's your name?"

"Um...L-louis, Louis Tomlinson" he replied.

"Nice to meet you Louis Tomlinson" Harry said as they made their way through a door which Louis assumed lead to the room they where going to.

"Nice to meet you too Harry" Louis said, thanking God the teacher wasn't there yet, he didn't want to be late to his first class on his first day of Uni.

Louis made his way through the classroom to find a seat and he felt Harry was following him. Nervously he glanced at him, only to find him smiling.

"Hey do you mind if I sit next to you? I don't know anyone else in this class" The green eyed boy asked.


As they were taking their sits in the third row, the professor, Dr. Cameron entered the room and everyone settled down.

"Hello everyone, welcome to psychology 101" the white haired man said with a deep voice.

Louis could not concentrate through out the class, he felt Harry's presence next to him and kept stealing glances at him. When the class finished, what felt like a million years later, Louis stood up and as he was making his way out the classroom he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around and was met with Harry.

"Hey, do you wanna hang out today after classes are over? My roommate Niall and I are ordering pizza and playing FIFA at our apartment if you'd like to come".

"Y-yeah sure" he answered.

He could't believe a guy like Harry wanted him to hang out with him and his friends. But he wasn't so stupid to turn down the offer, so far he hadn't made any friends in the couple of days since he arrived.

"Great! Why don't we exchange numbers and i will text you the time and the address".

Louis nodded and handed him his phone as Harry did the same.

"Okay I have to run now, my next class is on the other side of campus. See you later Lou!"

"Bye Harry". Was all Louis could manage. Had Harry called him Lou?

Maybe It Was Meant To Happen ~ larry mpreg au ~ book 1Where stories live. Discover now