57. He's not a bubble boy

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Classes were finally over, there were only final exams left and Harry would become a University graduate. Things had been going great for their family; Milo was only waking up two or three times a night, which was great considering he used to wake up at least six times, and he hadn't had any other crying for hours episodes; Louis had been told he was in the top ten percent of Nicks's class, which meant he could sit the exam, and he had managed to get great grades in all his other classes; and Harry had officially been offered a job, which he was starting right after the internship ended.

There was one thing missing though...

Harry rolled over in the bed and he he put his arms around Louis, who was sleeping with his back against Harry, and he pulled him closer to his chest, lifting a leg over his body so he had him completely caged.

"Good morning lovely" Harry whispered in his ear.

"Did Milo wake up?" Louis said sleepily.

"No, he's still sleeping" Harry replied.

"Good" Louis sighed happily.

Harry started leaving soft kisses on Louis's neck, knowing how much his boyfriend liked those, and he was hoping they could lead to something else. They hadn't done anything remotely sexual since Milo was born, and considering the baby was four weeks old, it was only natural for Harry to be a little impatient.

"I wanna sleep more" Louis mumbled.

"But I don't" Harry replied and continued kissing his boyfriend's neck.

Louis turned around while still in Harry's embrace, so he was facing him, and he snuggled against his chest.

"Goodnight Hazza".

"You forgot to kiss me goodnight" Harry said being completely aware that it was morning.

Louis lifted his head up without opening his eyes, probably waiting for Harry to kiss him, and obviously Harry gave him more that a kiss 'goodnight'. It took a while for Louis to kiss back, but when he finally did, Harry decided to really kiss him, tongue and all, and Louis responded the same way; he even pushed Harry back and he climbed on top of him, and he kissed him like only Louis knew how to kiss.

A couple of minutes later, and just when Harry was about to slip his hand inside Louis's pants, Milo decided to wake up with a loud cry. Harry groaned and Louis quickly jumped off of Harry and went to the bassinet which was next to his side of the bed.

"It's okay Milo" Louis said while he picked him up "Papa's going to change your nappy".

Louis walked out of the room with the baby, leaving a disappointed Harry alone in the bed.

"Someone wants his daddy" Louis announced when he came back to the room a few minutes later.

"Give me" Harry said sitting on the bed and making grabby hands at Milo.

He noticed Louis had changed him out of his jammies and he had put him on a cute blue and white stripped outfit with short sleeves and legs, and socks of course, his little toes were always cold for some reason, so they made sure he always had socks on.

"I'm going to pump so you can feed him, keep him entertained in the meantime" Louis said after he gave the baby to Harry.

"Why can't you just pump here Lou?" Harry asked.

"Because" Louis said as if that was a reason and left the bedroom.

"Papa's so weird, don't you think Milo?" Harry asked the baby and kissed his little head.

Maybe It Was Meant To Happen ~ larry mpreg au ~ book 1Where stories live. Discover now