10. That's your baby

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Louis couldn't stop looking at himself in the mirror. He was standing sideways, with his hand pressed against his belly, he was starting to show, it was barely noticeable, but it was still there. He tried to tuck in his tummy, but the swell wasn't going away. It really just looked like he had a really big lunch or something, but Lou knew that wasn't the reason.

"Harry!" He yelled.

His boyfriend came in the bathroom quickly, and looked at Louis concerned, his curly hair wild and going in every direction.

"What Boo?"

"Look at this" He said pointing at his belly "I'm fat already".

"Wow! You really are... No I mean, no you're not fat, you're just starting to show love" Harry said amazed, all concern gone.

"I know" Louis replied with a pout.

"Lou this is a good thing, it means peanut is growing nice and healthy" The older boy said rubbing the tiny swell affectionately "Besides, it isn't a proper baby bump yet".

Louis sighed "Yeah, I know , and you're right, it's just that I wasn't expecting it to happen this soon, you know?"

"I know babe, but I think you look the cutest you've ever looked" Harry said and then kissed his pouty lips. "Wait here I'll go get my phone, and this can he this week's photo".

Harry had been taken pictures of his belly once a week since he found out Louis was pregnant. At first he wanted to take one every day but Louis didn't like that idea at all, so they had settled it in once a week.

The older boy came back, took the picture, and left Louis alone so he could get ready for their doctor's appointment.


This was Louis's 8 week appointment, and he was going to get an ultrasound.

"I'm so excited Lou" Harry said while they were waiting for Amy inside the exam room.

Louis smiled at him, he loved that Harry was so happy about this.

"Me too Haz, I really am".

"Really love? Because lately I've been thinking you aren't happy about the baby" Harry said looking sad.

"I promise I'm happy, me not wanting to tell people doesn't mean I don't want the baby or that I'm not excited, because I am, I swear" Louis said seriously.

"That's so great to hear Boo, I was getting worried" the older boy replied.

Louis just kissed his boyfriend to let him know that everything was fine, and Harry kissed him back hungrily.

"Oh, young love, isn't it adorable?" Louis heard a woman's voice say.

He and Harry immediately stopped kissing and blushed deep red. They looked where the voice came from and realized it was Amy.

"Sorry" they both said in unison and looked at the floor.

"Don't be, it's nice that you are in love, it makes this whole pregnancy thing easier" Amy said with a smile.

They blushed even more.

"Why don't we start with the fun part? Louis lay down here and lift you shirt up" she said pointing at the bed.

He climbed in and did as he was told. Harry sat on a chair next to him and held his hand, giving him a light squeeze for support.

"I see someone is getting a belly" she cooed when she looked at Louis's middle.

Maybe It Was Meant To Happen ~ larry mpreg au ~ book 1Where stories live. Discover now