2. I can't give you everything you want

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When Harry got out of the shower he saw a sleeping Lou curled up in a ball on his bed, he looked so cute sleeping, always had, with his mouth slightly parted and his small hands fisted like a baby. While he watched him sleep he couldn't shake that stupid comment about the flowers. It wasn't the first time his boyfriend said something like that, he kept telling Harry again and again how someones boyfriend had done some little romantic gesture, and kept asking him why he didn't do those kind of things.

At this point he was getting tired of it, everytime Louis said something like that he felt like a crappy boyfriend and it made him want to cry. He thought he was a good boyfriend, he always put Louis's happiness before his, because he loved him so damn much, but apparently to Louis it wasn't enough. It was just that those little details weren't in his nature and he couldn't help it, eventhough he wished with all his heart they were. When Louis reminded him, he usually went out and bought him flowers or did whatever Louis wanted him to do, but it just felt forced because it hadn't occurred to him to do them in the first place.

He felt his phone buzz on his bedside table, so he grabbed it and it showed a new text from Niall.

'Just talkd to Li and we r all going to the pub tonight. U and lou need to come too'.

Harry sighed, he wasn't in the mood to go out and drink but it was the last day of Uni and he wasn't going to see his friends in weeks, so he replied Niall back telling him he and Louis would go.

Harry got dressed and decided to make lunch for Louis, to redeem himself for not buying him flowers. He was setting the plates on the table and was about to go and wake up Lou when he came out of the bedroom rubbing his eyes with his small hands, and when he saw the table he smiled.

"Haz, you made lunch! Thanks, that was so nice of you" Louis said as he made his way to Harry and pecked him on the lips.

"You're welcome boo, you deserve it" Harry smiled while he said it.

"Um are we okay? You seemed a bit upset before" Louis asked his boyfriend as he sat on the table.

"Yeah we're fine, it's just that you sometimes demand too much from me, and it upsets me that I can't give you everything you want" Harry said with a small voice as he too took a seat at the table, without looking at the other boy.

"Harry" Lou said calmly as he put his hand over Harry's to make him look up, once he did he continued. "You give me everything I want and more and you make me happy, so don't get upset about the stupid things I say".

"Are you sure?" The taller boy asked hesitantly, his eyes were filled with tears.

"Completely" Louis said with a nod and a smile on his face.

Harry felt relieved hearing that, and blinked the tears away. "Okay then, let's eat before it gets cold"

"Okay baby" Louis said squeezing his boyfriends hand tighter for reassurance. "And by the way Haz.... I love you".

"I love you too Lou".

Later that afternoon Niall came home excited about all of them going out before everyone went home for the summer break. At first Louis and Harry had planned to go on vacation together somewhere nearby, but had decided to save that money and move the trip a year to go on a big vacation next summer after Harry graduated. Besides, eventhough he talked to his mom frequently, he hadn't seen her in a couple of months, and Louis and him had planned to visit each other every other weekend.

"Are you ready to go lovebirds?" Niall asked practically jumping from excitement. "The rest of the gang is already there, Liam just texted me".

"Calm down Niall we're coming" Harry said putting his jacket on.

Maybe It Was Meant To Happen ~ larry mpreg au ~ book 1Where stories live. Discover now