18. Promise me you won't leave my sight

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Today was the Halloween party and Louis could not have been more excited, he even took an extra long nap to be able to stay awake longer. He was getting ready on the bedroom, he was just finishing putting on his pumpkin costume, he had decided to wear that because it hid his baby belly, he didn't want to use something that showed the world he was pregnant; they were going to a pub after all.

"Are you ready babe?" Harry asked him from the living room, he was already in his costume.

Harry wanted them to have couples costumes, but as Louis was set on wearing the pumpkin one, Harry's options were very limited. He decided to be a scarecrow, it was the only thing he could think that would match a pumpkin.

"Yeah, let's go" Louis said and made his way out of the bedroom.

When they got outside of the building Louis started walking to the direction of the pub, but he stopped when Harry tugged at his hand to make him stop walking.

"Let's take the car Lou" he said.

"Harry it's only a couple of blocks" Louis protested.

"I know, but you tend to fall asleep sometimes when we go out, I don't want to carry you back here if that happens tonight" Harry explained.

"Okay" was all Louis said, he knew Harry was right.

They got in the car and they reached their destination in about 3 minutes. Louis took his seatbealt off and was going to open his door when Harry spoke.

"Louis wait, before we go in there I want you to promise me you won't leave my sight, please" Harry said, face dead serious.

"Relax baby, I don't know why you're so nervous" Louis replied.

"Because it's a pub full of drunk people and you're pregnant" explained Harry "Please promise me?".

"I promise" Louis said, he had made this promise 3 times today already

"Okay, now we can go in" Harry said and opened his own door.

When they got inside it was packed with people, everybody in costumes so it was hard to locate their friends. Harry held Louis's hand and took him to the part of the pub they usually sat at, and there they were.

"Harry! Lou! You came!" Perrie stood up from Zayn's lap and hugged them.

"We said we were coming" Louis replied hugging her back "You look amazing by the way".

Perrie was dressed in a Sandy from Grease costume (the tight black one), and Zayn was wearing a Danny Zuko costume to match. They both looked incredible, they even styled their hair the same as in the movie.

"Thanks Lou" Perrie said.

"Is Niall wearing the leprechaun costume again this year?" Harry asked.

"Yeah he is" Zayn replied looking around "he was here a second ago, I don't know were he went".

It was a tradition of Niall's to wear that costume, he was proud of being Irish and Louis guessed he missed his country and his family, he only went back there twice a year at most.

"Louis!" He heard someone call and he turned around and saw Liam wearing a Woody costume.

They hugged and then Liam dragged him to a chair, apparently he and Harry were on this together. Louis just went with it, they just wanted him to be safe.

"Babe I'm going to get a soda, do you want one too? Or maybe water?" Harry asked him.

"Water please. But Haz you can have a drink, I can drive us back if you want" Louis offered.

Maybe It Was Meant To Happen ~ larry mpreg au ~ book 1Where stories live. Discover now