37. That's not going to work anymore

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Harry had just gotten home, and was now cooking dinner for Louis, himself and Niall. For the past days Louis had been obsessed with his theory about Liam and Niall, and after failed attempts to discover the truth, asking discreet questions to both of them, Lou decided they needed to just ask Niall bluntly.

"So how did you get Niall to come for supper?" asked Harry while he cooked.

"Seriously? I said: Niall come to ours tonight and we'll give you food" Louis replied, he was sitting on a stool eating ice-cream.

"I don't even know why I asked" Harry laughed.

"Me neither".

"Shouldn't you be eating that after dinner?" Harry asked lifting his eyebrows at Louis.

"No, baby wants it now, and he gets what he wants" Louis said.

"I get the feeling that he's going to be spoiled" Harry said.

"Probably; he's going to be the only baby among adults. I mean, there's my sisters and brother, but they are all the way up in Doncaster, and we live here. Besides, we don't have friends who have babies" Louis said.

"Maybe we can have another one in a year ot two so peanut won't be so spoiled, and he'll learns to share too" explained Harry.

"Funny" said Louis.

"I'm not joking, I don't want there to be a big age difference between our kids" the boy with green eyes said "I think a two year gap would be perfect".

"Harry, do you understand that for there to be a two year gap between this baby and our next imaginary baby, I would have to get pregnant right after my graduation?" Louis asked.


"So I want to get a job after graduation. Who's going to hire me if I'm pregnant?".

"But I'd be able to support us, so you might not even need to get a job" Harry explained.

"Are you saying you want me to be a stay at home dad?" Louis asked incredulous.


Part of Harry did want that, he wanted Lou to stay home with peanut and the future baby or babies they were going to have, but part of him wanted Lou to have a job, he was so smart, he didn't want that to go to waste.

"You do!" Louis accused "I've got news for you Haz, that's not going to happen, I've worked too hard to be one of the best students in my class, and I'm not going to throw that down the bin".

"I know, and I would never make you stay at home..."

"Make me? Of course you can't make me do anything, you don't own me" Louis was getting upset "Why don't you stay home instead? I bet I can make more money than you".

"Let's stop talking about this, yeah? Peanut's not even born yet, maybe once he's here we'll realize we can only handle one kid and then we won't even have an issue" Harry was lying, he knew that wasn't going to happen.

"Fine, but I want you to get three things inside your brain: first, I won't have more babies unless we're married, second, our second baby will be at least five years younger than peanut, and third, I'm never ever going to be a stay at home dad" Louis said counting with his fingers.

Harry really wanted to protest to the second thing, but he knew that would cause a fight, and he didn't want Lou to get upset because it could be bad for the baby. He was going to reply when the doorbell rang.

"That must be Niall!" Harry said and walked out of the kitchen and to the front door.

"This isn't over!" Louis yelled from the kitchen.

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