33. Honey I'm home

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It was the morning Harry's internship was starting, which was the same day classes began as well, and he was a little nervous about it, this was a big opportunity for him and he didn't want to screw things up.

"You look great Haz" Louis said when he came out of the bathroom and saw Harry.

Harry was wearing freshly pressed pants with a shirt tucked in and dress shoes. They said it wasn't necessary for him to wear a suit but he needed to look presentable, so he decided not to wear a tie, Harry hated ties.

"You think?" Harry asked nervously.

"Yeah, you look really handsome" Louis smiled and walk up to him wearing only boxers and a tshirt "Don't be nervous, everyone is going to love having you working there".

"I hope so" Harry sighed.

"Thank you for doing this for us. I know it's going to be hard for you juggling the job with your classes" Louis said "So thank you".

"You don't need to thank me love" Harry shook his head "I want to take care of my babies".

Louis smiled at him placing his hands on his round baby bump, Harry did the same and pressed his lips to Louis. He felt the baby kick hard, he always did that now, night and day, and you'd think it had gotten old by now, but Harry got excited everytime he felt his son kick.

He fell on his knees and lifted Louis's tshirt up and kissed the bump right under the belly button.

"Daddy loves you peanut, be a good boy for papa today, don't kick him too hard. I have to go to work, but I'll talk to you more tonight, I promise" he whispered and kissed Louis's skin again.

"I have to get going now, Niall's gonna come pick you up and walk you to class and then in between classes I told Perrie not to leave your sight, and then Liam's going to walk you back here and he's going to have lunch with you" Harry explained when he stood up.

"Harry..." Louis started to protest.

"I'm going straight from work to class so I won't see you until 7. I'll have my phone with me all day so if you need me just call, okay?" Harry asked.

"Okay" Louis nodded "Now go, you don't want to be late on your first day".

"Alright" Harry said and gathered his phone and wallet and his messenger bag and kissed Louis again "I'll miss you both".

"We'll miss you too" Louis said "Good luck babe".

"Thanks, love you" Harry said while he walked to the door.

"Love you too".


Harry walked inside the building where he had been twice before; the first time for his interview almost a month ago and last week when he had come to sign some papers about his payment and other things. But this was different, he was coming to work today.

Last week they said that he had to ask for Joseph Foster, Harry was supposed to work for him.

"Hi" he smiled to the receptionist that was there, it was the same that was there when he came for the interview "My name's Harry Styles, I'm starting an internship today and I was told to ask for Joseph Foster".

"Yeah I think I remember you. Take a seat, I'll let him know you're here" the woman said.

Harry took a seat and he saw she lifting up her phone.

"Mr. Foster, there's a Harry Styles here asking for you, he says he's an intern" the receptionist said.

When she hang off the phone she looked at Harry.

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