6. Good luck honey

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Louis was nauseous. He had just woken up and was dreading getting out of bed, he had been feeling really tired the last couple of days, even after waking up.

It had been almost a month since he had been in that hotel room with Harry. When he got home the following day he decided he needed to stop sulking, if Harry didn't want him, he wasn't going to stop living his life, he couldn't let his happiness depend on a boy who couldn't make up his mind.

The last four weeks had been spent with his family, playing with his little siblings and having a good time. Obviously it didn't mean he didn't cry every once in a while, because he was still in love with Harry and that wasn't going to stop suddenly, even if his boyfriend (or was it his ex now?) hadn't called or texted a single time.

Tomorrow we was going back to uni, classes didn't start until a couple of days, but he had to go there early to move his stuff from the apartment he used to share with Liam to the one we was supposed to share with Harry. Harry himself had said he could have the apartment, plus Emily was moving in with Liam, which in Louis opinion was a little soon for their relationship, but what did he know about relationships? His own was a mess right now.

He got out of bed and suddenly felt dizzy, but it went away a few seconds later, so Louis thought it was just because he stood up too fast. He was making his way down the stairs to eat breakfast, when the smell of scrambled eggs filled his nostrils, which made him have to sprint to the bathroom, barely getting there before he vomited everything he had eaten the night before. He kept retching for a cople of minutes, he was sweating and tears filled his eyes. He hated getting sick, ever since he was a kid.

He rested his head on the bathroom floor, thanking god for the coolness of the tiles. Why was he throwing up? Maybe it was something he ate, but he had been eating the same things as the rest of his family and they were not puking their guts out. This throwing up in the morning reminded him of his mum when she was pregnant.

Wait a minute...

Oh no, oh no, oh no, fuck!

When Harry decided they should go on a break Louis had stopped taking his birth control, thinking why bother? He was not going to have sex anytime soon.

But he had, so could he be...?

Louis had always known he was a carrier, about fifty percent of the male population were, so he had always been careful to take the birth control, and Harry knew that, so a couple of months after they started dating he had stopped using condoms knowing Louis was taking the pills (which ere much more effective). So obviously when they had sex 4 weeks ago, Harry didn't bother with a condom, but he should have. And Louis hadn't even thought about it until now.

But no, he was getting ahead of himself, of course he wasn't pregnant, people didn't get pregnant if they only had sex once without protection, right? Who was he kidding, of course that could happen, but he didn't want to believe it. It was just food poisoning he kept repeating in his head.

So when the nauseousness passed, he got up, brushed his teeth and continued with his day as if nothing had happened,which he managed to do just fine until lunch time. He had just finished eating with his family and was washing up the dishes when it happened again.

He ran to the bathroom and threw up everything he had just eaten. This time his mom noticed, so she followed him into the bathroom and rubbed his back while he hurled. When he finished she put a wet towel on his forehead.

"Are you okay hon?" She asked concerned.

"Yeah mum I'm fine" he said while he wiped the tears that had formed in his eyes, that always happened to him when he threw up. "I guess something didn't agree with my tummy".

"You sure?" She asked with a skeptical look.

Lou hadn't told his mum what happened when he went to London, he didn't want to relieve it, he didn't even tell Liam, he just acted as if nothing had changed between him and Harry. So he just nodded to his mum's question.

"I just think it's better if I go lay down for a minute" Louis said as he stood up.

"Yeah go, we are going out in a couple of minutes so you will have peace and quiet if you want to sleep it off" said Jay.


So after half an hour he heard the front door being shut and he stood up, grabbed his keys, his wallet and made his way to a drugstore. He had to know, he couldn't keep wondering anymore.

When he got there he looked around to see if there was someone who knew him or his family, last thing he wanted was his mum finding out from the women who gossiped about everyone in town. He went to the section where the pregnancy tests where and took two, better be completely sure he thought.

He went to pay and put both boxes on the counter, the lady who was there looked and him sympathetically after seeing his worried eyes.

"Good luck honey" She said after he paid.

"Thanks" Louis muttered and got out of there.

He practically run to his house, his family wasn't home yet. He went to the bathroom and took the test out, on the box it said that it could detect pregnancies from week 3 on, and he had had sex about 4 weeks ago so it was supposed to work.

He peed of both sticks and set the time, sat on the floor with his back against the tub and waited. It was the longest 5 minutes of his entire life. He couldn't be pregnant, he just couldn't! He had a plan, he was going to finish uni, get a job on his field, get married after a couple of years (to Harry he had hoped) and THEN have a baby or two, maybe even three. But certainly not now, when he was just about to start his third year.

The alarm went off and he stood up lo look at the white sticks inside the sink. His eyes were shut and he had to take a deep breath before he opened them. And what did he see?

Two pink plus signs.

"Oh my god" he whispered.



This had to be a bad dream. What was he going to do with a baby? He was in uni for fucks sake, he needed to finish, but how was he going to do that with a baby to take care of? It was impossible, and it was all his fault, how had he been so stupid?! He had always though people that got pregnant because they didn't use protection were dumb, it was something so simple, yet he had failed at it.

He felt his face was wet, he had been crying and didn't even realize it. He needed to calm down, things were going to work out, they had to.

He was pregnant... pregnant, he couldn't wrap his mind around it... It was such a weird thought. A baby was growing inside of him. But not any baby, it was one that was half him and half Harry. He imagined a little baby with Harry's dimples and curly hair, and he could't help but smile.

But then he remembered he and Harry were no longer together, they were on a break or whatever. He recalled a conversation they once had about the future, and Harry had said he would love to have kids with him one day, and that day was certainly here, would he still feel the same?

Should he even tell him? Of course he had to it was his baby too, but how and when? Would he be mad at Louis?

He heard his family returning. He couldn't tell them yet, so he wiped his tears away, took the sticks and the boxes and hid them inside the duffel bag he was taking to uni the next day.


A.N. It happened! Louis is pregnant! What do you think about his reaction? Will he tell Harry soon? And i know some of you were blaming harry for being careless but actually it was lou's fault!

I don't get tired of saying this: thank you all for reading, voting and commenting, it means the world to me. I loved reading all ur comments saying u are on Lou's side of things.

Next chapter will be up as soon as this one gets 20 votes! So make sure to vote if u want to know what happens next, and trust me, u want to know :)

See you soon!


Maybe It Was Meant To Happen ~ larry mpreg au ~ book 1Where stories live. Discover now