52. It's too much for me to handle

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Harry had been waiting for the weekend since Monday when he had had to go to back to work and then to class. It had certainly been a very hard and tiring week, he had barely slept, on Wednesday he had actually fallen asleep on his desk at work, that's when he decided that he had to start drinking more coffee. Also studying and doing Uni work was starting to become difficult, just the day before he had handed in a paper that was so bad, he was almost sure he was going to get a failing grade.

Louis on the other hand, was experiencing pretty much the same thing, he was with Milo all day in the flat, feeding him and changing him, and at the same time he was studying, writing papers and trying to catch up on all the classes with the notes Perrie had been bringing him.

To make matters worse, Milo was still refusing to take a bottle, no matter what they did to make him take it. They had read books, blogs and at some point Louis had broken down and called his mum crying, but she hadn't been able to help much, the advise she gave him hadn't work. The result of it was that Louis had to get up at least three times a night to feed the baby, and usually Harry woke up with him too for moral support.

To say things were hectic was an understatement.

"Daddy's home" Harry said the minute he opened the flat door that Friday evening.

"Shhhhh Milo just fell asleep" Louis murmured.

He was sitting at the dining table, wrapped in a blanket, surrounded by opened books, scattered papers and notepads with his handwriting on them. Currently he seemed busy highlighting a paper and writing things down on the edges.

"Sorry love" Harry whispered.

Louis didn't say anything he just continued working on whatever he was doing. He looked like a mess, he had bags under his eyes and his hair looked like a bird's nest, but that didn't matter one bit to Harry, he was more in love with Louis now than he had ever been.

Harry walked to Louis and gave him and kiss on his head, and looked at the bouncer expecting to find Milo there, that was his usual spot during the day, he usually loved to nap there. The thing was, today Milo wasn't there, so Harry went to the nursery, they sometimes put him in his crib when the bouncer got him fussy, but when Harry checked, he realized Milo wasn't there either.

The bassinet in their bedroom then? That was weird, Louis never left him there unless he was in the room with him, but there was no other place where the baby could be, so he went into their room. But the baby wasn't in the bassinet either...

"Louis where's the baby?" Harry asked urgently as he walked back out.

But Louis didn't answer, he probably was too focused on his work, but this was important, their baby wasn't in the flat.

"Louis!" Harry said loudly once he got to Louis's side.

"Please don't yell" Louis seemed a little pissed "I told you the baby is sleeping".

"But he's missing Lou!" Harry was trying to keep calm, there probably was a reasonable explanation to this.

"Who's missing?" Louis frowned.


But against Harry's expectations of what his reaction was going to be, Louis burst into laughter.

"Oh thank you for that, I needed a good laugh today" Louis said and continued laughing.

"Louis why are you fucking laughing?! Our son is missing! I'm gonna call the police!" Harry said and took his phone from his pocket.

"Hazza stop" Louis let out in between laughs "Milo's here with me".

"He's not in the bouncer Louis!" Harry pointed out.

Maybe It Was Meant To Happen ~ larry mpreg au ~ book 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang