50. I love his name

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Harry had been sitting on a chair in Louis's hospital room for two hours, and he hadn't move an inch because he was holding his newborn baby who was sleeping peacefully in his arms. Louis was sleeping too, he found him like that when he brought the baby to the room, and honestly he hadn't been surprised, he had a very rough night, and he had barely slept the night before.

Harry was happy, he was the happiest he had ever been in his life, he had his son in his arms and that was the most amazing thing in the world. When Louis was pregnant with him, Harry thought he loved him more than anything, but now that he was actually seeing him and holding him, that love had multiplied, to the point where he thought his heart was going to burst.


Harry looked up and he saw that Louis was awake, trying to sit on the bed and smiling at him and the baby.

"Hi Boo, how are you feeling?" Harry whispered standing up from his chair slowly, trying not to wake up the baby.

"A little sore, but I'm fine. How's our peanut?" Louis asked moving to the side to leave space for Harry on the bed.

"He's perfect love, he weighed 8.5 pounds and measured 20.34 inches" Harry said sitting on the bed with the baby showing him to Louis.

"Is that big?" Louis asked while he stroked the baby's cheek softly.

"According to the midwife he's above average, but not too much" Harry replied.

Louis nodded, and Harry could see that he was trying hard not to snatch the baby from his arms.

"You want to hold him?" Harry asked.

"Yeah" he nodded eagerly.

Harry put the baby gently in his arms, and Louis held him close to his chest while he smiled brightly.

"I can't believe we made such a perfect baby" Louis said.

"Someone should give us a medal" Harry replied.

Louis laughed softly and Harry wrapped an arm around his boyfriend and kissed his temple, and both of them just watched their son, enjoying the quiet moment with their family.

"He looks a lot like you Haz" Louis whispered after a while.

"You think?" Harry told him.

"Yeah, he's definitely a Styles" Louis smiled "I don't even know if he looks anything like me".

"He has your eyebrows, and your ears, you just can't see them because of his hat, but I noticed before" said Harry.


The baby's eyelids fluttered a bit, and he yawned, which made dimples appear on his cheeks, but he continued sleeping.

"He has your dimples!" Louis acknowledged "Did you see them?".

"Yeah, they suit him" the older boy said.

"They do" Louis grinned "I swear he's the cutest baby in the entire world".

"Should we decide on a name for our little cutie?" Harry asked.

Truth be told, everytime he looked at the baby one of the names from the list kept popping into his head, but he wasn't sure if Louis was going to agree.

"Yeah, I think one of the names will be perfect for him" Louis nodded.

"I think so too" Harry confessed.

"Which one?" Louis asked.

"Why don't we say it on three?" the curly haired boy proposed.

"Okay" Louis agreed "On my count, 1, 2, 3...".

Maybe It Was Meant To Happen ~ larry mpreg au ~ book 1Where stories live. Discover now