21. Are we expecting someone?

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~ Warning smut ahead ~

Harry was relieved that it was Friday already. A week had passed since the Halloween accident and it had been the most tiring week Harry had ever had. After that big scare he decided he was not going to let Louis out of his sight again, so every day he walked Louis to a from every class, which meant that sometimes he had to run from one side of campus to another to make it to his classes on time. He had been late a couple of times and some professors had given him a dirty look for being late, but he didn't care, all that mattered was that Louis and peanut were safe.

He was sitting on a bench that was right outside his boyfriend's classroom, his own class had been let out early and he was waiting for Lou's to finish. It was lunchtime, and since neither of them had afternoon classes, they could go home now and rest, he so needed that.

The door opened and Louis and Perrie walked out together, Harry stood up and took Louis's bag from him like he did everytime he saw him carrying something heavy. He didn't even bother saying hi to Perrie, he had already seen her twice that morning.

"Ready to go home Lou?" he asked.

"Yeah, let's go" Louis said and then turned to Perrie "Have fun in Bradford Pez"

"Thanks Lou! Bye! Bye Harry!" She said cheerfully and hugged them both.

"They're going there for the weekend?" Harry asked Louis after Perrie left.

"Yeah, Zayn says his mum misses him, but according to Perrie it's the other way around" Louis laughed.

Harry laughed too, Zayn liked to act tough and manly but he was such a momma's boy.

"So what are the plans for the weekend?" Louis asked excited as they walked to their flat.

"I figured we could stay in, order takeout, watch some movies and do some other activities" Harry said winking at Louis at that last part.

"I like the sound of those other activities" Lou said smiling.

Harry was dying to have sex with Louis, they hadn't done anything all week and that was a record for them (if you didn't count the time they had been on a break). When Harry went to sign the release papers in the hospital he asked the doctor about sex and he said it was okay, but to wait a couple of days. Harry decided to wait a week, better be safe than sorry he thought.

"Then maybe we should walk a little faster and we can start the weekend with that" Harry said, all the tiredness he was feeling minutes ago was gone.

"You act like a horny teenager sometimes" Louis said laughing but he started walking faster.

"I just can't resist you baby" Harry said and opened the door of the apartment building.

He let Louis enter while he held the door open and he couldn't help but to pinch his bum when he passed.

"Harry! Don't do that in public!" Louis said turning around.

"Relax Lou, there's no one here" Harry said and kissed Louis's lips quickly "Come on, let's go up".

When they got out of the elevator, they practically ran to their flat and Harry was quick to open the door with his key. Once they were inside Harry dropped his and Louis's bag on the floor, he took his jacket off quickly while Louis did the same, and he went for a kiss. Louis didn't even hesitate and he kissed Harry back opening his mouth to let Harry's tongue move against his. Harry put his hands on the bottom of Louis's bum and pulled him close to his body which led to the pregnant boy to wrap his legs around Harry's waist and his arms around his neck.

Maybe It Was Meant To Happen ~ larry mpreg au ~ book 1Where stories live. Discover now