24. Is it a boy or a girl?!

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Louis had two things on his mind that were keeping him distracted; one was the money problem that he discovered they had, and the other was that they were going to find out peanut's gender that afternoon. He kept going back and forth from being worried about the first and excited about the second. He was currently in class, but he could not concentrate on what the professor was saying, every time he tried to pay attention his mind went back to the doctors appointment or to the fact that he needed to call the cable company to cancel it.

"Mr. Tomlinson" he heard his name being called, he realized the professor was looking at him.

"Yeah?" Louis asked.

"Please answer the question" she said smiling, and it was a genuine smile.

Professor Hart was such a nice person, she was on her late forties or maybe early fifties, she always smiled and she projected a motherly warmness.

"Um, sorry I wasn't paying attention" Louis said blushing.

This kind of thing never happened to him, he always paid attention in class, he was a good student, he was a great student if he said so himself. Generally all the professors loved him, he always answered questions in class and he always got good grades.

"See me after class please" she told Louis and turned to someone else "Mr. Stone?"

Louis hid his face in his hands, that had been embarrassing.

"That was a first" Perrie whispered from her sit next to him.

"I know" Louis muttered.

When the class ended 30 minutes later Louis got up from his seat to go and talk to Professor Hart.

"If Harry's outside already tell him I'll be right there" Louis said to Perrie.

"Yeah sure, good luck" she wished "I'll see you later at Niall's".

Louis nodded and walked to the professor's desk, he had his messenger bag on his shoulder, but he had it leaning to the front to try to cover his baby bump a little. He was also wearing a black loose tshirt and a denim shirt and a jacket on top (both were unbuttoned, he hadn't been able to button them this morning), so he was hoping that the fact that he was pregnant wasn't that noticeable, he didn't want professors to know about it.

"Professor Hart? You wanted to talk to me?" Louis asked, she was erasing the whiteboard so she had her back to Louis.

"Yes Mr. Tomlinson" she said and she turned around "Don't worry I'm not going to reprimand you".

"Um, okay" Louis said, he was not sure what she wanted to talk about.

"You know this is the second time I've had you in one of my classes and this is the first time you haven't been able to answer one of my questions, so I can't help but wonder if you're okay. Everytime I looked your way today you were staring into space".

"Yeah I know, but it won't happen again, I promise" Louis said seriously.

"Louis, can I call you Louis?" She asked.

Lou nodded.

"Louis, I don't mind that you got distracted, I was just surprised because that's unlike you. You're my best student and you're always so incredibly focused that I couldn't just let you go without making sure that everything was alright with you" she said with a concern look on her face.

Louis felt moved that she was was worried about him, he wondered if he should tell her why he was distracted, maybe if she knew she wouldn't be so concerned,

Maybe It Was Meant To Happen ~ larry mpreg au ~ book 1Where stories live. Discover now