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Emery looks like a fish out of water at parties. Those big owl eyes flit frantically around the room before settling on me. He doesn't know what he's supposed to do with himself, how to move and drink and flirt like the others. That's why I have to protect him.

Emery tugs on the hem of my shirt.

"She's looking at you."

"Hmm? Oh, they all are." I grin, smug and roguish as always.

"Yeah, but she's the prettiest girl in high school."

"Please. You're way prettier than her."

"I'm not - I'm a guy, Brandon."

"But you are pretty." My pretty little wallflower.

"I - she's coming."

"The mighty Brandon. Saw you at the last game. Nice moves. And this must be Emery. Your Emery," Tania amends with a wry smirk.

"That's right."

She smiles at Emery.

"We've all heard a lot about you. He doesn't go a day without mentioning your name."

Tania is gorgeous. I can't keep my eyes off her boobs.

Emery always pinches me and glares at me for looking at girls this way. He explains that it's demeaning and rude, but I can't help myself.

Then Alexandra comes up to Emery and they start chatting. She got her braces off the summer before high school started, so she thinks she's all that now. Whatever.

Emery [bxb]Where stories live. Discover now