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Em and I are sitting on the sill of an open window, laughing and play-tussling. I look over when I hear girls giggling across the room.

"Don't stop on our account!" They wave.

One of the girls approaches us later, starts hitting on Emery. Em runs off to the kitchen for cover while I hang behind to loop an arm around her shoulder and give her some sage advice.

"Don't bother," I put it frankly. "He's gay."

"What, really? Wasn't he going out with Alexandra at one point?"

"Right, because having a girlfriend makes a man straight," I deadpan. "Trust me. He was all up in my pubes just the other night. He's mine."

"Oh...damn..." She deflates, shoulders sagging in disappointment.

"Yeah, so...back off."


After midnight, we're all plastered. Only a group of us guys are still conscious, smoking, drinking and circle-jerking to a video one guy's ex sexted him. Idiotic bitch obviously didn't realize that once your nudes are out there...they're out there.

Emery hangs back, characteristically shy. So I'm surprised when he does join in, placing a tentative hand on my shoulder. I come with a sharp cry amidst hoots and hollers.

Emery [bxb]Where stories live. Discover now