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Bella is pissed when she learns about my insensitivity towards Aly and girls in general. She throws around words like 'toxic masculinity,' and devises what she thinks is the perfect punishment. She dares me to go around town posing as a gay guy and asking guys to fuck me with absolutely no dignity whatsoever. Emery will record it as proof.

"Hey, wassupp? I dunno if you swing this way but you're really cute and I wanna see your dick," I proposition the first attractive guy I see on the street.

Em is keeling over laughing behind his phone camera, which is probably the only reason the guy declines. 

Then I spot a handsome businessman in a dress shirt touting a briefcase and sitting outside on a café patio, so I go over.

"Hey," I greet. He looks up at me with a puzzled grin, immediately spotting the camera. "Here's my address. I'll be there tonight at 8PM lying flat as a board on the ground. You won't be able to tell if I'm a man or woman or dead or a rug; you just fuck that hole, okay? Let off some stress."


"Yessir, 8PM."

"Okay." He struggles visibly to compose himself. "But I don't wanna hear a fuckin' peep from you, okay?"

"Not a peep. I'll pretend to be your girlfriend if you want."

"You guys wanna fuck or what?" I petition a group of construction workers.

"Not today, G," they laugh in chorus.

"Dude you can shove it in my ass, I won't mind," I tell a cute waiter. "I'm your guy." He asks me to leave and I don't want to get him in trouble with his boss so I do.

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