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Year two of medical school is mostly clinical-based. I'm now learning some of the diseases I might encounter in the hospital; this is when medical school turns into real medicine.

New year, new girlfriend. Her name is Madison. I haven't fucked her, because I promised Emery. It's nice to just talk with a girl, anyway. I'm telling her about the cinematic music albums I've scored for Emery's birthday gift this year. He's old-school and loves CDs. He has a full-wall-length bookshelf stocked with them, mostly given to him by me.

"Yeah, Emery is the cutest bro ever," I tell Madison while we cuddle in bed. "He followed me around like a cute little dog when he was little. A puppy. If you saw him, you'd know he's a total princess. In his heart of hearts, he wants to take it, not give it. You can tell from his lips, his hair, his ass... But no, he thinks he can go and fuck women. As if he'd ever get it up. And the worst part is... This girl's not even hot..."

At some point, Madison gets up leaves, slamming the door.

I lie back on the bed, puzzled. Wow, that stings. I don't like being rejected, especially when I don't know why. I don't think it's my dick size because I've never gotten any complaints. And she was the one who asked about Em; I was only answering.

Huh. Women. I'll never understand them.

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