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"Why?! Why didn't you say something-"

"Because I knew what happened to the people you were with. I was just gonna be some fling like all those pretty girls, for you to use and then discard like yesterday's trash once you got tired of me!"

"You thought I would ruin our friendship and break your heart..." Pain lances through me, leaves me winded. "Em, if you'd just told me how you felt..."

Emery cups my cheek in his palm, tenderly stroking my skin.

"Fuck you, Brandon. You fucking moron. I've loved you since the day you picked me off the ground in kindergarten."

How could I have known? We were just kids. I certainly didn't know better. I told him I loved him, all the time, but I didn't really get it. He was the one for me all along, but it was just...the wrong time. And yet, it was wonderful, in a way. Not being in a rush to fall in love or fall into bed, just holding on to every touch, word, smile...

We're both smiling through our tears now, about to lean in when Aly appears at the door and my face clouds over. Emery looks at me, expertly registering the subtle shadow that flitted over my face, and clears his throat.

"Aly. You should go."

"What?!" It's week thirty-six, and she's got a small honeydew melon for a belly. I feel bad for her, but I'd feel worse if she found out about all this after marrying Emery.

"I promise we'll talk later."


She's insistent, but Emery's got a newfound resolve I've never seen before.

"Aly... I said you should go," he repeats.

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