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Griffin and I have been DMing on Instagram. My residency is approaching and he recommends the hospital he's working at in Vegas, where I've always dreamed of going. Emery says: go get the boy!

As I'm talking to said boy, Emery's phone rings in the next room. True to her word, Mandy had her best friend call him.

"Who? Brandon? Wh - she - oh. Oh, okay. Well, I'm sure he had a good reason..." He lowers himself slowly onto the couch, and I can tell from his grim, despondent tone that he knows better. "No, I never said she had it coming - no, no, I'm not just gonna take his side. No, if he was out of line, he will not get away with this... I'll talk to him... What exactly did he say?"

I walk away; I don't want to be reminded of my shitty words. And the thought of Emery hearing them, being crushed with disappointment, makes my heart constrict painfully with shame and regret.

Emery doesn't say another word for the rest of the call. Minutes pass in complete silence, before the sound of his phone being set on the table indicates that the call was ended.

He comes and leans in my bedroom doorway, all tired and broken-looking. He doesn't need to say anything.

Emery [bxb]Where stories live. Discover now