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Twenty-seven weeks marks the start of the third trimester, the home stretch. Baby sleeps now. Unfortunately, its sleep cycle is not aligned with Aly's, and she wakes up often due to the kicking. Emery does too, and calls me. Which should make me cranky in the mornings, but I'm too thrilled to know that everything's normal to mind.

I greet Emery with a kiss on the back of his neck when I get in to work today.

"Hey handsome," he smiles absently, scrolling through a patient's medication list on his computer with his back to me. "I'm going to see my grandma later. Wanna come?


Emery's hand settles naturally on my thigh while I drive. When we get close, and I'm switching gears, his hand moves up to settle over mine as he reminds me which turns to take.

Emery's grandma is frailer than ever, but happy. She kisses my cheek and scolds me for visiting so rarely these days.

I get to meet the latest batch of kittens. Their toothless, soundless hisses are the cutest thing ever.

One of the older kittens, named Toudi, stands on my kneecap for a solid two minutes before his eyes gradually close and he falls asleep on me.

Emery [bxb]Where stories live. Discover now