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"That..." Emery's voice is breathless with exhilaration. "Was so weird." But he's laughing and smiling as he wipes his makeup off backstage. The other students, actors and actresses and musicians, are looking at him differently - that is, they're actually looking at him. He chatters as he undresses, about how weird it was to play a girl and wear a dress and I'm not moving an inch, not saying a word, because I can't. I'm still trying to process everything. The way I felt, how he looked, how my whole world was turned upside down.

My parents gush and rave over Emery, who is drowned in flower bouquets and praises from people who probably didn't even know he's a boy. They don't even know him - but I do. I thought I did, anyway. I thought I knew everything there was to know about Emery, knew him so well, knew exactly how I felt about him - which is why I am rocked to my very core right now.

Emery [bxb]Where stories live. Discover now