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"Bro, listen to me," I recount to Emery when we're alone in the music room. He's here early so he can warm up for the after-school rehearsal. "These two girls were kissing my dick, right? One on either side. Making a sort of hole. And at the same time, I was pushing back and forth so it was like...fucking their lips."

"Wow, I've never thought about all the ways there are to...you know."

"Infinite ways, Emmy. Infinite ways."

Once Em is ready, we cuddle for a bit stretched across several chairs like a makeshift couch. There are many great cuddling positions. The leg hug, the fetal position, the heart hug, the 69, the lap nap, the booty pillow, the super hero... I like when Emery just lays on top of me with my arm around his shoulders. He knows my phone password from laying in this position so often while I check it.

Jessica finally arrives, and she and Em proceed to rehearse a piece together. She sucks, or Em is just that good.

"The direction of our bowstrings needs to be synchronized," he patiently reminds her. "Respect the slurs... Play legato... You're not holding your violin right. If it's positioned correctly, you should be able to keep it propped up with just your neck, hands-free..."

Meanwhile, I'm sitting off to the side, posting my most recent selfie with Emery along with the caption Thanksgiving with The Bae™️ and trying not to make eye contact with Jessica because...awkward.

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