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"She's got rapid atrial fibrillation," Dr. Jessup mulls. "We should do a stress test-"

"The point of a stress test is to see if she can tolerate a rapid heart rate. She's had a heart rate of one-eighty for three months. Do you really think a stress test will show anything and be accurate?" I snark.

Emery pops into the room, frowning as he catches the tail end of my question.

"Uh, no, it won't," he supplies. "Does someone need their medical license revoked?"

Laughing, I join him in the hall.

"Jessup sure does, but then I've been saying that for months. So, how was your first time?"

"It was...weird. Also, you were literally on the phone with us, so don't pretend you don't know."

"Hey, I'm the resident expert on sex. It worked, didn't it?"

"Yes, thank you for your services." Emery grins. "It worked like a charm. As I was saying, it was a little awkward and weird, but that's just first times... At least I finally did it, you know?" He smiles with exhilaration.

"Welcome to the dark side," I grin, knocking his shoulder.

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