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I bought and assembled a new stationary bike machine, which Em and I immediately try to beat each others' records on.

Emery comes into the bathroom later to piss while I'm rummaging through the cupboards for a clean towel.

"Wanna have a bath together?" I propose.

He smiles, accepting my proffered hand.

"So romantic."

Grinning, I kiss his hand.

When the tub is full, Emery lays on top of me in the sudsy water. I play with his curls and lather his skin with plentiful foam.

"Do you think my parents will remember my birthday this year?" He hums, absently toying with the hair on my wrist.

"I don't know; they're pretty out of it," I reply honestly. "We could get a girl," I murmur after a long beat.

"What, me and you?"

"Yeah. They'd love a pair of handsome dudes like us in Vegas. They have these parties for famous people there. You check your phone in at the door. Crazy wild. People wind up dead or worse," I giggle.

"Why don't we stay here in Miami? Two doctors, no income tax...with our salaries, we could be billionaires in no time."

Emery... ever the practical, sensible, responsible one.

"You sound like my parents."

Knowing I want greener grass, he changes the topic.

"Did you hear back from that agency?"

I'm currently looking for an agent, because most clients prefer working through a modelling agency. I've researched and been to visit one local agency, taking my portfolio of both professional and non-professional pictures with me.

"Still waiting."

"You'll get it. You've got what it takes."

Emery [bxb]Where stories live. Discover now