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We walk to an ice cream parlour near campus. There are lots of people standing in line, but Maya and I are the hottest couple in here. She's wearing a black crop top and black leggings, showing off her super slim and toned body. I'm wearing a fitted V-neck that shows off my muscled torso and big, broad shoulders, legs filling out my Adidas pants nicely.

While we wait, I chat with with my bro about the latest game scores, cool new games, cadaver dissections and all the other cool stuff we're doing in our classes. We continue the conversation when we sit down at a table with our ice cream.

"Damn," Maya whistles, leaning forward on her forearms. "Wow, this is going way over my head." She clears her throat awkwardly.

Emery flushes, immediately loops her into the conversation like the good boy he is. I drop my face into the palm of my hand and watch with hooded eyes as he does his thing. He's too nice, I think. Too saintly for this earth. I brush my foot against his with a wicked smirk. Shyly meeting my eyes, he kicks me in a clear order to stop.

"Yo, listen to this," I grin, knocking Emery's shoulder. I show him the Reddit video open on my phone and he instinctively leans in. "I want you to guess the Subreddit just by watching the video."

"Oh, not r/nfl, interesting," he observes. "r/CleverComebacks?"




Emery laughs as the video unfolds.





"r/IdiotsInCars... r/HolUp... r/AbruptChaos..."

"r/CatastrophicFailure," we gasp at the same time, devolving into winces and cackles.

Emery [bxb]Where stories live. Discover now