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"You brought a girl home," Emery accuses when I stumble home with some chick named Zara on my arm. I was drunk, she was the hottest girl at the party, and I was horny. It was bound to happen. And the reason I got drunk and partied alone is because someone left me a nasty message earlier, in the form of a flat tire. Maya or some other bitch. After fixing that, I showered and headed straight out to get drunk.

"Move," I groan when Emery leans against the doorjamb of my bedroom door.

"We had a deal."


"I'm not jealous! I don't wanna worry about STDs! And I wanna sleep at night, without all the banging! We had a deal. But forget that - you obviously have more than enough girls to take care of you."

He does give way better head. I've taught him how I like it, trained and conditioned him to my personal satisfaction. No way this bitch'll be able to compete.

"Alright, you heard him," I sigh, "get out." I toss her her discarded sweater and purse.

"Asshole," she grumps. Now, if she were offering that, we'd be having a different talk.

"Don't let the door hit you on your way out, sl..." I catch Emery's glare. "Sloane, or whatever your name was."

As soon as she leaves, I push Emery's head down and lean back against the wall with a rapturous sigh.

Emery [bxb]Where stories live. Discover now