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Year three is comprised of clinical rotations. I am now part of the medical team, which consists of an attending senior doctor, residents and interns. As a med student, I'm at the bottom of the totem pole. I have a chance to rotate through the many clinical specialties of medicine, such as Internal Medicine, pediatrics, ob/gyn, and psychiatry. My team will grade me on my performance during my rotations, and, at the end of my rotations, I must pass the national tests in order to receive a grade.

In order to save time, I now read content and watch lecture videos on a screen while working out. In fact, almost everything we do and everywhere we go, Em and I have our study notes stashed in our pockets.

Em and I are hitting up fewer, more select parties, but still partying.

As usual, I'm accosted by desperate girls as soon as I walk through the doors of tonight's party.

"Hey, stud, wanna fuck?" some desperate hoe asks me.

"You wanna be fucked in the ass?" I retort.

"Um... No?"

"Then no."


"I said get lost; your loose-lipped cunt is sure to bore me."

Em simply gawks at me. I tell him to watch and learn.

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