Chapter 50: Unmei

Start from the beginning

Zi Wei shrugged. "I think there was a finance mismanagement so she was forced to resign. Can you imagine? It's her dad's company. I wonder if the company is running at loss."

"No way. I would have known." On a second thought, would she know? She had not been paying attention to her career ever since Japan. It seemed a long time ago.

She looked around the room to find Didi. He was chatting with Xi Ze, Kuan and Justin. He looked dashing tonight in his blue shirt and jeans. Dr. Jerry kept saying this his recovery was phenomenal.

As she stared at him, she realized how much she loved him. How much she missed their times together. Why did it feel different now? Will they ever go back like before?

She was so afraid of losing him again that she felt like threading on egg shells around him sometimes. Avoid arguments. Avoid confrontations. That should keep him safe. Who knows when his heart will act up again?

Everyday, he told her he loved her. She found her cup, overflowing. She was torn, between her fears and her love for him. But love, she knew, overcomes it all. It was time for her to do what she should have done long ago.

Just then Kang was onstage, booming over the microphone, "Welcome everyone to September Music Club! And tonight we celebrate our buddy's recovery, let's have Wang He Di to say a few words."

She watched as he stood up, looked over her way and winked. She smiled and waved. Her heart pounded. Her body grew warm.

Damn Yue, stop it.

Didi grinned as he took the stage. "Thank you for organizing this party for me. You know I am bad at speeches, better at rap."

"Rap for us, Didi!" Kang shouted.

He laughed. "My girlfriend will kill me." Everyone booed and looked over to Yue. She smiled as she waved him off.

"I really want to thank everyone tonight for being with us. My family. For going through this hardship. I know I caused a lot of worry and heartaches to you. I'm sorry, Okaasan."

Okaasan waved her hanky. Mama Wang smiled and touched her hand.

"Thank you Marco for taking care of the business. Thank you, all my friends, my buddies. Kuan, for watching out for Yue." Kuan and Didi did an air fist bump.

"Last but not least and most importantly, I want to thank Yue. She doesn't know this yet, she might be angry at me for doing this. But Yue—-" he got down the stage and headed to her.

"I know you went through a lot of pain when I was in coma. I cannot share that load with you. But from today onwards—" he stopped in front of her.

Everyone turned towards them, eagerly waiting what would happen next.

"I will prove my love to you everyday. I will be with you. I will never leave you. Just like what I promised when I marry you. Do you remember?"

The girls in the room gasped and there were excited chattering. Kuan and Zi Wei smiled at each other, knowingly. Jia Qi grabbed Xi Ze's sleeves and squealed. Dee Hsu clapped her hands. Mama Wang gasped. The other boys were equally shocked.

But Didi held his steady gaze on Yue. And hers on him. "Do you remember our pledge to each other?" She could not answer so she nodded. "Yue, will you allow me to tell everyone here that I will take care of you forever. Please?"

Her throat felt thick. Tears were blurring her vision of him as she meekly nodded. Didi smiled. "Marco, please play the video."

Everyone turned towards the screen. It was a recording of their pledges by the lake. They heard their promises to each other, like it was the first time.

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