"Anyways" Bobby brings us back on track "This book lists a kind of ghost that could be our guy, Luther. It infects people with fear. It's called a Beru Beru."

"It says how to kill it?" Sam asks, glancing over the sketched images of a fearful human.

"Same as usual. Burn the remains."

Scrunching my nose at what I know to be the impossible, I cryptically wonder "You got a Plan B by any chance?"

Titling his head, Bobby explains to me "The Beru Beru is born of fear- hell it is fear. And the lore says we can kill it with fear."

"So..." Sam hums trying to wrap his head around what Bobby is telling us "... we have to make Luther scared?" Bobby merely answers with silence and a knowing stare. Dragging my hand through my hair I feel the worry for Dean's life set back in as our deadline begins to crunch. He's already been to Hell once to make him go back so soon...

Tilting my head, I suggest "Why don't we kill Luther a second time?" Gaining both their attention, I elaborate "I mean he's scaring people to death so why don't we deal it right back?"

"That's smart" Sam nods, hand extended towards the mill looming behind us "We chain him up and drag him off back down the gravel road he died on."

"That would do it for me", Bobby slams the book shut, asking Sam and I "You two bozo's got a chain?"


Chain attached to the Impala I feel the engine rumbling under me as I keep it stationary on the gravel stretch of road. Staring ahead my gaze flickers anxiously to the chain stretched behind me. From the Impala it snakes loosely down the stretch of road to disappear inside the lumber mill with Sam.

"Any luck?" I hear Bobby over the walkie talkie and I can only presume the pair of them made a split inside the lumber mill for Luther.

"I don't know Bobby" Sam responds eerily, explaining "Last time he came right at us. It's almost like he's... he's scared of us."

Grabbing the walkie from the seat, I let my hand dangle from the steering wheel when I suggest "Maybe you should piss him off a little. He's still a spirit and all are born of vengeance."

"You saying I should find those sketches and go to town on them?"

Tilting my head back and forth over the idea of destroying them, I decided to respond with a curt "Yeah. Rip em to confetti." I think it's kind of cute if you're a couple but Jessie was married to another man. Mr. Gardland may claim it's a harmless crush but it's a little weird to draw a single girl over and over again. If it had been me I wouldn't have appreciated it. In my opinion, I don't see the difference in a strange drawing sketched to a stranger taking photos. Suddenly I'm hearing the sound of saw's roaring to life over the Impala's engine. Craning my neck I look through the rearview mirror to observe smoke beginning to billow from the burning chimney. "Suppose that did the trick" I mutter watching Luther bringing the lumber mill to life. Foot hovering over the gas pedal, my hand lingers on the gear stick as time ticks slowly by. It can't be much longer now.

"EL!" I suddenly hear Sam roar over the walkie "PUNCH IT!"

Without a second to lose I shift gears and slam my boot down on the gas. The tires spin out for only a second until I'm sent launching forwards in a burst of fury. Roaring against the accelerator I feel a surprising weight get tugged on the Impala to increase its drag. A body. Pushing harder on the accelerator the Impala tugs back harder. With a loud bang I spare a glance behind me to see Luther burst from the lumber mill factory doors, spelled chain wrapped tightly around his neck. Large body flailing about I push the Impala faster down the long stretch of road. Nervously my attention flickers back and forth from Luther and the stretch as the speed continuously ticks up. Then in the corner of my eye, I see it happen. Luther flails about for no longer then a second more before disintegrating in a cloud of grey smoke. Nothing is left but the chain scratching and clinking against the worn gravel road, Luther no longer thrashing on the end.

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