"You raised him!" Bruce shouted.

Peter started running to stop the monster from destroying a bridge full of civilians pole vaulting across the water and the team held their breath with each movement he did. "Is he mad?!" Clint hissed covering his chest as his heart hammered.

"He's a hero... we should be proud." Scott said and they all sighed.

As soon as he landed on the bridge he was punched by the water creature head on and flew backwards into the back wall with a loud oof and everyone winced as he was soaked and winded from the beating. Then sudden green beams started to shoot at the creature and Mysterio came into view.

"What the hell is he wearing?" Bruce muttered when Peter showed up wearing a mask from a vendor with dangling bells.

"Well.. he said he didn't have his suit." Nat chuckled.

Then the scene changed to Peter web slinging all the damage in the city trying to keep everyone from getting hurt. At a bell tower he was gripping his webs tight, his muscles tearing under the pressure and the group could feel the pain he was feeling minorly due to the illusion and all winced.

"Shit kid... how do you handle that.." Sam hissed holding his arms.

A sudden hit to the bell tower he was in sent him forward and slamming his face into the cast copper bell full force and everyone winced gasping as he fell and gave off a dazed expression his vision blurring slightly and seeing stars.

He managed to get back up as the tower was collapsing and grab his webs and hold on all while with glazed over eyes and the entire team could tell he had no idea what was going on due to his head injury but he kept the tower up thankfully until his head cleared enough for him to patch it up and swing away.

The memory changes to him brushing his teeth and his best friend getting shot in the neck with a dart and him jumping and turning around to see Nick Fury in his hotel room. He choked on his toothbrush before spitting it out and saying goodnight to his teacher and glaring at the director.

"What the hell?!" Peter hissed and everyone chuckled at his high pitched reaction.

The next memory showed him meeting Mysterio or Beck and Tony felt his stomach sink as he already knew who the man was. "He's bad news... and Peter doesn't even know it." He sighed and everyone felt their hearts ache at the excitement the kid showed in talking to Beck.

The memory shifted to Fury being right in Peter's face and everyone jumped back slightly and Tony felt his jaw tighten. "Oh this better have a good reason or I will call that stupid-"

"You were not ready for this!" Fury yelled referring to the glasses Stark left for him and Peter just kept staring ahead with red glossy eyes and everyone felt their chests constrict.

"Pete..." Bucky whispered softly and Wanda felt a tear drop down her cheek.

"I can feel his emotions and he's so broken... right now in this memory." She said and everyone felt their heart's break.

When it shifted to Mysterio asking how he felt on a rooftop everyone sighed.

"I guess it's nice having someone to talk to about this stuff again.. Losing Mr. Stark... it's been... I mean he's not gone but he's not here and I can't go to anyone else because he died basically to save me in a mission so I just see blame in their eyes you know?" He chuckled tears falling down his cheeks as he rubbed at his face.

"It's just so stupid all I ever wanted was to be more than the friendly neighborhod spiderman and now... now I just want to be left alone so I can ask the girl I like out and.. Be a kid for my senior year.." He shook his head crying quietly and everyone felt tears hit their cheeks and fill their eyes.

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