Puppet .1

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You're probably wondering how the hell Peter ended up in Siberia. 

Peter knew he was done, Tony had told him he was done.  In full honesty he wasn't going to fight him on it either.  He had just gotten the upgraded suit, just gotten into the "big leagues" and didn't feel like he had a place arguing with Tony Stark.  He didn't want to ruin his grades or make his Aunt suspicious.

However.. he had heard of the Winter Solider a lot.  The second he was better enough to leave his Aunt May's house after everything that happened last year he went to the museum and looked at his section.  He related to him more than others could realize, more than he realized.

He was a real person, it was like no one realized that, and Peter felt bad.. he felt a small sense of understanding even if his was only minimal compared to the others pain.

Knowing all of that he left school during lunch when he saw Tony's location moving towards Captain America and The Winter Soliders location.

He had managed to stick a tracker on Captain America during their fight at the airport, he didn't tell Tony however because the fight seemed so rushed and he didn't even know what the accords were.  He just kept an eye on the two and as he got more information he realized he understood both sides but he didn't agree with the accords either. 

Originally he was going to demand answers from Tony and fight with him about it in true teenager fashion but once he got to the man's office he realized he was just as upset.

After talking and forcing Tony to be honest with him because he already knew everything for the most part, Tony admitted he was wrong.

That he thought he was doing the right thing and preventing true horror from happening in the future but the government did what they do best and used it as a chance to hurt them, to lock them up forever.  Tony had told Peter he was going to fix it and not to worry, that he had already started working towards righting his wrongs... but Peter always worried. 

Peter didn't know why Tony was going to captain America right now but he did know that no one in the avengers ever listened to the other one and if it was a time sensitive situation nothing good was going to come from it.

That is how Peter ended up in Siberia.  He was sneaking around the old Hydra facility when he saw Steve and Tony talking.  He stayed hidden but he got nervous when he saw the winter solider off to the side.

He would have to be really careful to not be noticed by him.  However they all got distracted when the wall lit up and through the glass a man stood.

There was a room behind there?  Like a police interrogation.. weird. 

Peter stayed hidden and watched as the man talked to captain, how creepy he seemed and how broken he seemed.

"Soon you'll know how it feels to lose everyone too."  He laughed and the computer in the room started up.

Peter flinched at the sound but he couldn't see the video.  As Tony looked at the video his eyes widened and emotions flew by them that Peter never saw on him. 

He felt a pit form in his stomach as he watched Tony's face and then he noticed captain America had a clenched jaw and worried expression as well. 

As the video came to an end Tony immediately went to shoot at The Winter Solider  and Peter flinched with wide eyes.  He thought Tony came here to help?

"Tony don't..". Steve tried.

"You knew?"  He asked with wide almost crazy looking eyes.

Steve looked broken and hesitant but sighed, "I didn't know it was him.. just that it was his unit."  He said and Tony shoved him back hard.

"You killed my mom."  He whispered and Peter widened his eyes.

He glanced to the side and saw the man sneaking out of the room into the dark and Peter felt so conflicted.

He didn't want to leave them when they needed a voice of reason, but they'd never listen to him anyways and he was just a kid..

But they couldn't lose this guy, he had framed Bucky, killed so many, and started this entire mess.  He was bad.. worse than anything Peter had tried to stop before.  So he took off running through the back of the building and climbing his way around.

He heard them fighting and his eyes watered at the idea but he pushed himself harder to get to the other.  Seeing him on the outside escape panel Peter dove through the old window.

Glass flew out into the cold air as Peter slammed his body into the man and they tumbled across the old metal fire escape panels.

Peter managed to grab the edge before he could fall off and began to pull himself up when a steel toed boot was slammed into his face.

He felt his nose cracking and groaned letting go and falling onto the panel below.  Wheezing he held his side as he stood up with barely any balance until to jump to the side as a blast from iron man's suit shot through the window by him.

Looking up he saw the guy getting away and he hissed going back after him.

Tony had brutally shot Buckys arm off and was punching Steve with no end.  Steve finally got him off and threw him back when Tony held up his repulser ready to fire and Steve stood in front of Bucky unmoving.

Before he could fire however they all flinched as the actual bad guy they were supposed to be fighting was thrown down into the room and landed between Steve and Tony.

He was in a cocoon of webs and unable to move as he struggled on the ground groaning in pain.

The two jerked to look to the side and saw Peter or Spiderman since he still had his suit on and mask hiding his face looking down at them as he held his stomach with one hand and leaned on a wall.

"What the hell are you doing here?"  Tony spat and Peter sighed.

"I put a tracker on Captain... and I put a tracker on you.  When I saw you going to where he was I followed."  He said and they both looked at him with confused expressions.

Steve stayed more confused while Tony quickly moved to mad.

"You knew his location this whole time?!"  He shouted and Peter flinched.

"This is why I didn't tell you."  Peter yelled back pointing at Bucky and Steve before wincing and holding his side again.

"Are you injured?"  Steve asked and Bucky stumbled to his feet and glanced at the other.

"Why didn't you turn us in?"  Bucky asked confused.

"Does it really matter that he is the one who did it?"  Peter asked suddenly while looking directly at Tony and the room became still.

"What?  What the hell are you asking of course it matters-"

"Because he killed someone you loved.  Because he did it right?  Because the Winter Solider was really him..?  He was making his own choices.. and did it because he wanted to?  Or had a say?"  Peter whispered and Steve glanced at him with a soft smile.

"Look I get he went through hell but he doesn't seem to have issues breaking orders now."  Tony snapped and Peter sighed.

"It wasn't about breaking orders, it's about brainwashing.  You can't say no, you aren't your own person anymore.  You're a puppet."  Peter yelled and sighed turning to leave.

"How do you understand?"  Bucky asked as he watched the smaller with confused and conflicted eyes.

Peter froze feeling so exposed but he reminded himself that besides Tony they didn't know who he was.

"I've been a puppet before."  He said before swinging out of the building with a grunt of pain.

Heyo guess who got back into this? And had inspo? Wow but part 2 will explain more of Peter's past cause I am changing some pieces but not tooooo much just some but it's a thicc enough piece to clearly matter sksks


I'm going to go through and rewrite a lot of my old stories because they bother me :) thanks for reading

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