Elrond X You

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"You're going with them, aren't you?" I hear the voice I had been dreading. I sigh and turn to face him, then jump as I notice just how close he is.

He smiles a bit at me jumping and waits for my answer. "Gandalf did ask if I would join. Although Oakenshield was not pleased." I tell him.

"When do you leave?" He asks, his face showing no emotion.

"Dawn." I says with my eyes downcast, not meeting the dark brown of his own, not willing to see that face rid of emotion.

Suddenly his powerful arms wrap tightly around my waist and he pulls me in for a hug. "By the grace of Valar, do not make me loose you a second time, Celebrían!"

I can hear the pain and fear mixed in with his voice. I feel his heart beating rapidly under my palm. Looking up I see the fear behind his eyes and it strikes me like a knife. "The Valar have given me a different name, my Lord Elrond." I attempt to lighten the mood.

He looks down to me and his eye soften of the fear. "Yes, I know, Y/N, and last I checked I was not your Lord I was your husband." His hands cup my own and I feel his wedding ring against my own.

"Yes, I know, my love." I say with a smile.

His lips brush mine then he pulls away from me. I cock my head to the side dissapointed at him pulling away, and wanting more. He laughs and begins walking backwards pulling me along with him.

We walk hand in hand and he wears the childish grin that I fell in love with. As we near our room my heart speeds with anticipation and want for this night to begin.

We reach our room and he turns to me, smiling as he hears my pulse. He pulls me into the room and pushes me against the door, kissing me roughly, and effectively slamming the door behind us.

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