Rowen Daughter of Dwalin X Bofur

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[A/N @AnotherThranduil here's your protective Dwalin fic! Hope you like! Requests still on hold so I can get all the current requests done. Shouldn't be long now that I'm back!]

The rain is pouring down over our camp. Too wet to build a fire and everyone is grumpy. Well everyone except Bofur. He's always in high spirits.

We tried setting up camp under the cover of the trees but it doesn't effect the rain. I do not think anyone will get sleep tonight.

Well..... Maybe Bombur..... I tell yah nothing upsets that dwarfs sleep.

A little after midnight the rain stops but we still cannot get a fire going. The wood is just too wet.

I sit beside my father who is sharpening his favored battle axes. "Are you hungry?" I ask him.

"Aye." He answers without looking up. "We all are."

I dig in my bag and pull out a load of Lembas bread. "I have this." My father looks over and groans. "Oh no come on you're hunger and all it takes is one bite to be full!" I tell him.

Reluctantly he agrees and I divvy up the loaf and handing it to everyone.

Bofur's the last I hand it to at his instance. "Here Bofur. Take it. Everyone else has had theirs."

"Thank yeh Lassie." Bofur says with a goofy smile.

I sit with him and we talk and joke around afterwards I go to lay down try to get sleep. Father insists I sleep near him.

The next morning we get up and pack up to leave. Once we get out of the forest the path is extremely muddy and slick.

"Woah!" I hear Fili yell and turn to see him tumbling down the hill knocking over dwarves as he goes like bowling.

Nori jumps out of the way but Ori and Kili are knocked off their feet and come tumbling down. Thorin just shakes his head at them fighting to keep his lips from smiling.

"Ahh!" Bofur yells as he's thrown down like a bowling pin. "My hat!" He exclaims worriedly.

I laugh and then am plowed over by Ori. I grunt and complain as I roll down the hill until finally the rolling stops. A second later I feel someone plow into me and he lands on top of me.

I reach up and move whatever was blocking my vision and look up to see Bofur, without his hat, looking down at me with a goofy apologetic smile. "Hello Lassie. Fancy meeting you here."

I laugh and realize I have his hat and put it back on his head. "There good as new!" Then I notice we are covered in mud head to toe.

"Kind of." Bofur says with a smile.

"OFF!" My fathers voice roars.

Bofur's eyes go wide and he quickly scrambles off of me. Both of us standing and facing my father who is clear of mud but fuming in anger.

"Father nothing hap-" I try to calm him but he points his finger at me with that don't-you-speak-another-word look. I shut my mouth so quickly my teeth click together the sound echoing.

I look over at Bofur who looks scared out of his wits and I don't blame him. My father is easy the scariest dwarf imaginable.

-Bofur's POV-

"OFF!" I hear Dwalin roar and I know I've crossed a line. Albeit it was an accident but I do understand his anger.

I scramble off Rowen and stand to face Dwalin. His brows furrowed, his face set in his war mask. I feel I've cold fear wash through me.

"Father nothing happe-" Rowen tries to tell him but he points a finger at her and she instantly quiets.

Dwalin stomps over to me and claps his hand against my back, the force is jarring. He pulls me with him into the forest.

I hear him muttering to himself as he pulls me into the tree line and stumbles a bit as he drops his hold on me.

"Dwalin, I-" I attempt but he hold up a finger. Telling me to wait.

He balls up his fist and quicker than lightening he slams it against the nearest tree. The tree groans it's complaint before snapping in half and tumbling to the ground.

Thinking back I am glad Dwalin and I got along so well and were good friends or that tree could have easily been me.

The redness in Dwalin's face fades as he had gotten his anger out. He sighs and rubs his face like he has a headache. "She is the spitting image of her mother." Dwalin says. Still to this day I am not sure if he was speaking to me or to himself.

Then he turns and faces me. "I've seen the way you look at her." He says and crosses his arms.

"Dwalin, please listen to what I have to say." I pause to make sure he will listen then continue. "We have become good friends over the course of this Journey. Do believe that I would never make a move to court your daughter without your consent."

I sigh. "That being said, I have taken a notice of Rowen. She is a beautiful lass, and so smart, not to mention a better warrior than me myself. I have found myself wanting just to make her smile, or laugh."

Dwalin stares at me with the same angry look but I can see in his eyes that he is listening to every word I say. "To be honest Dwalin, she is my one weather or not I am hers. I've never cared for anyone as I care for her." I take a deep breath. "I was going to wait until after we reclaim Erebor but since it has already been brought up, Mr. Dwalin may I have your permission to ask Rowen's permission to court her?" I ask, my heart pounding like a drum.

Dwalin stares off into the distance for a while thinking before looking back at me. "I like you Bofur, trust you. Rowen is all I have left of her mother, and I will not allow her to be hurt. If you hurt her, I will deal with you myself." He says and I know he is not lieing. "Do we understand each other?"

I nod. "Aye Dwalin. I think we do. Just know that the mere idea of hurting Rowen is painful to me. I would never even fathom it."

He nods and we go walking back out of the forest. "Think Bombur has any cheese left?" Dwalin asks as if nothing has happened.

"Aye." I answer with a smile. "It's in the bottom of his bag. Be careful though. He will bite."

-Rowen's POV-

I hear the thundering crack of the tree splitting and that's when I began to pace. It seemed like hours before my father and Bofur rejoined us.

I skirt around my father (in case he is angry at me) and go over to Bofur. "Is everything alright?" I whisper ask a bit worriedly.

Bofur smiles his usual happy smile and I instantly calm. "Aye lassie. Everything is good."

We all walk quietly and soon Bofur an I fall behind to where we can speak without being overheard.

"Lassie." Bofur says and I can tell his mind is set on something because he's being serious for once. "Have you ever thought of your future?"

I feel my heart stumble and nerves wash over me but answer truthfully. "Yes, I wish to follow in my parents footsteps and marry for love."

Bofur stops and I turn to face him curiously. He grabs my hands in his and I notice he is nervous. "Rowen, daughter of Dwalin, would you ever consider courting an old toy maker like me?" He asks and I feel my pulse race uncontrollably.

I feel my eyes tear up and a smile spread across my face. "Yes Bofur, oh Mahal yes!" I say my voice cracking with happiness and he pulls me into a hug.

He laughs and spins me around causing my shrieking laughter. Then he sets me down and hugs me close.

I feel a happiness I have never felt swell in my chest as I realize my love is returned in kind. Bofur, my Bofur, loves me back.

"OFF!" We hear my fathers booming voice yell at us and we jump apart blushing then hear Thorin's laughter.

We walk hand-in-hand back to the rest of the company with a smile on our faces and later that night we braid the ceremonial courting clasps in each-others hair.

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