Bofur X You

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'Oin do we..' I start to sign but quickly notice he's distracted. Looking down at medicine he was working on. A new cream to help keep wounds clean. Cleaner at least.

I tap his shoulder and he glances up then straightens showing I've gotten his attention. 'Do we have any more kingsfoil?'

'Not much.' He signs.

'Bohen is going to gather herbs we're low on.' He nods.

'Make sure he gets..' But i cut him off.

'Rosemary and Ginsing. I know.' We needed Ginger root as well but I'll tell Bohen.' He is a smart ladd. Learning quick and he seemed to have a way with people.

Oin nods at me again with a smile. 'Very good.' He tells me before getting back to work.

I leave him be and go to find Bohen. He was getting ready to leave. His heavy coat on, sword at his hip, sheild slung over on his back.

I go up and tap his shoulder. He turns and looks down at me. I hand him a piece of parchment with detailed instructions on what exactly we needed.

He reads over it before looking back to me signing 'Anything else?'

I think for a moment 'Berries. As many as you can find just stay away Nightshade. Or anything you think could be nightshade.'

He nods and i know he knows what he's doing. He was a smart ladd. 'Be safe.'

He gives me a small wave before dissapearing through the door.

We weren't low on anything really just the kingsfoild but it was nice out. The cold of winter finally letting some warmpth in. A little sunlight. Enough to begin foraging at least.

It's been an easier winter. There was very little sickness and it has been rather peaceful. That was until the ground started to shake.

It was subtle at first just noticeable in the ripples of my water and then a violent shock wave thunders across the mountain.

I see Oin fall over and cautiously move to help him up. But when i offer my hand he pulls me down beside him. Dragging us both under his massive marble desk.

A few jars of herbs and remedies fall to the ground shattering. Luckly most everything was safely locked in cabinets.

Oin pulled me close to his side as the shaking got worse and then slowly receded.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2019 ⏰

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