Legolas X Laura Part 3

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'Do you have any Idea how hard it is to swim with a broken leg?' 'I hate this stupid lake.' 'Its gonna hurt bad to change back to an elf.' 'Stupid freakin dragon burned my tail.' 'I hope Bards kids are alright.'

All these thoughts run through my head as I paddle my way to the shore across from LakeTown, which is on fire.

This better heal quickly. I need to help out in the coming battle. I can see the Orc armies of Dul Goldur, the will be here within the day. I hope the company is alright. None hurt by the dragon. And Legolas.... Last I saw of him I was in Laketown.


"Hold him down." Tauriel tell us as she readies the kings foil plant.

I hold down his shoulders, Fili and Bofur hold his torso, and bards daughters hold his legs. Suddenly Kili bucks up fighting against our hold as Tauriel puts the plant into his leg. He passed out soon after.

"I'm gonna go kill some Orcs. Watch over him." I say to Tauriel and she nods. It's obvious of her feelings for him now and honestly I am not shocked. He is likable.

I slip out the door and climb onto the roof running along it jumping between them making my way after Legolas.

I hear the orcs struggling before I reach him and I drop onto an Orcs shoulders stabbing it through its spine. I jump off of it and land next to Legolas.

We quickly kill the remaining orcs dispose of the bodies into the lake. "Was that too easy?" I ask as we walk back to Bards house.

Legolas shrugs. "You're a formidable foe."

I look over at him, his face completely impassive as if he is at ease. "Does it not bother you?" I ask changing the subject.

He seems to understand what I mean and his lips turn up in a crooked smile that makes my heart speed. "I could feel that you are different. Now I know you are a wolf. Nothing has changed. Just now I know how you are different. You're no less intoxicating than you were before."


I struggle and pull myself out of the water on three legs. My broken leg is healing quickly but I need to be in Elleth form to heal properly.

Woah. My ears perk up as I catch a familiar scent. Human. Male. Bard. Hey it's Bard! I follow the scent trail, limping, but managing. Many of the humans move quickly out of my way. Some attempt to raise weapons against me but they're all too worn out to try. It's obvious I am hurt and wish no fight against anyone. Well... any human. Well I don't want to fight anyone except orcs. And dragons. And goblins. And nasty spiders.

"Mellon Nìn!" I hear a voice call out. My attention immediately goes to the source of the voice. I see Legolas and Tauriel speaking to Bard. I drag myself over to them while they're standing still. Otherwise Id never catch them.

I nudge Legolas's leg and he immediately drops down to examine my leg. His fingers brush lightly and I yelp as pain shoots through me.

"Sorry. Sorry." He says, his hands up. "You need to shift back or it won't heal properly." He tells me.

Oh this is just great. It's gonna hurt. Really. Bad. I give myself a moment to clear my head before I shift.

Pain courses through my entire being and I scream in agony yet no sound comes. I collapse to the ground Legolas' arms keep me from hitting hard. I dig my fingers into the beach, my hands in such a tight fist my knuckles white, as I attempt to keep from screaming.

The pain from shifting is one that I m accustomed to, but the pain of a broken leg and shifting is extremely intense. So much so that the next time I open my eyes I am in the desolated city of Dale. Bard had brought all the remaining people to Dale as a means of survival.

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