Thorin x Sonja

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As the sun fades we soak up the last rays of light. The smell of cooking pheasant drifts through camp. We caught a few and Bombur found some potatoes and mushrooms so he's making Stew tonight.
Bofur and Bombur pass out the steaming bowls. "Careful there lassie. Its mighty hot." Bofur tells me as he gives my portion. Then gives Thorin his.
"Are you feeling any better?" Thorin asks.
I look over sharply but his worry makes me smile. "I hadnt realized you'd noticed."
His arm wraps around my waist. "Of course I noticed. How are you feeling Sonja?"
"I'm okay now my love." I tell him and lightly bump foreheads. "I promise." I whisper to him.
He serches my eyes before sighing and I feel his lips brush against mine.


Bilbo sits next to Nori and Dwalin while finishing his stew. Nori as always has been watching everyone and has noticed Bilbo's sideways glances and Sonja and Thorin. He nudges Dwalins side.

"What?" Dwalin asks and Nori gestures to Bilbo then to Sonja and Thorin. "What are yeh thinking there Bilbo?" Dwalin asks as he and Nori smoke their pipes by the fire light.

"I knew they were married but I'd never really seen them....... be affectionate." Bilbo answers and they all look over to see Thorin and Sonja pulling out of a kiss.

"Ah." Dwalin nods.

Nori laughs. "Public displays of affection are not common among dwarves especially when one of those dwarves is Thorin Oakenshield."

"Hobbits' relationships are more public." Bilbo tells them.

"Dwarvish courting is, for the most part, a private affair." Dwalin explains.

"What does the courting entitle?" Bilbo asks.

"Its a series of... tasks, of sorts, that each dwarf performs to prove their worth to the other." Nori tells him.

"First you ask the relatives for permission." Dwalin explains. "Then ask your one to court. If they say yes you each braid a strand into the others hair, then the real tasks begin."

"The tasks varies from place to place but some remain constant. One: as a gift the man will give his love a new dagger he made specifically for her."

Bofur who has been listening in sits beside Bilbo. "In the Blue Mountains we make carvings for our loves." He laughs. "Bombur's wife carved him a set of cooking spoons."

"Women do the tasks as well?" Bilbo asks. "Are they different for women?"

"Aye." Bofur says with a not as he lights his pipe. "Although as to how different I dont know." Bilbo looks to both Dwalin and Nori who just give shrugs.

"Another is proving that they can provide food. The man will kill whatever impressive animal and in term the woman will cook it into a meal." Dwalin tells Bilbo.

"Are any of you married?" Bilbo asks and they all shake their head.

"I suppose if yeh really want to know about courting yeh should ask those who have been through it. Like Sonja and-" Sonja's voice cuts Bofur off.

"Ask me what?" She asks and they all look up to see her and Thorin walking up.


"I should tell my brothers the good news." I murmur.

"Yes. We should." Thorin tells me with a smile. His eyes happier than I have seen them in a long time. "Come on." He tells me and pulls me to my feet.

As we walk over to the fire I hear Bofurs voice. "Ask someone.... Like Sonja and-"

"Ask me what?" I ask as I sit beside Dwalin and Thorin beside me.

"Bilbo's curious of our courting customs." Dwalin tells me.

"Aye and as none of us," Bofur says gesturing to Nori and Dwalin, "have courted to marry we cannae tell him how it is."

"Oh." I give a small laugh. "Well it was long ago, before Erebor was lost. I had been friends with him through Dwalin but then there was a war between our people and the orcs of Moria." I look over at Thorin. "We were both so much younger then and Thorin saved my life."

"Sonja was wounded and after the battle I knew I came too close to losing her." Thorin says.

"He gave me this dagger." I tell them  and pull the intricately carved bone dagger from inside my coat. "After that they could hardly separate us."

"Although we never really tried." Balin tells me as he sits next to Thorin and the rest of the company wander over.

Everyone sits around the fire smoking or drinking the last of the ale I smile at them. "We actually have something to tell you all." I see Balins knowing smile.

Thorins hand covers my stomach and I hear Gloin from the other side of the fire. "A wee one?"

I laugh. "Yes. We're going to have a baby."

Happy chaos erupts from around the fire.

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