Dwalin X Talia

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It has been three days since the dragon attacked and overwhelmed our forces. We have no home. No where to go and are still trying to see who survived and who we lost.

I lost my Mother, Father, and oldest sister. The only reason I survived Is my older sister Y/N. She pulled me out of the flaming remains of our house along with Dwalin a good friend of hers and someone who I once saw as an older brother but over the past few years my views have....... changed. Dwalin and I have been courting for many moons now.

I sit along with Balin, Y/N, and Dìs around one of the many campfires. Thorin and Dwalin had taken a large group out to hunt for supper a few hours ago. Some have come back with fresh kill some are still hunting.

I poke the fire absently with a stick as I get lost in thought. None of the dwarves sing anymore. The children don't play. There's so little hope. I will make that bloody dragon pay. I vow to myself and all those lost.

After a while the hunting parties return all but Dwalin Thorin and a few others who are taking up odd jobs in a human town near by.

Once the moon in high in the sky only a few Dwarves are still awake. Hushed conversations are heard all around. I ignore them until Y/N prods my shoulder.

"What?" I ask grumpily.

"I heard your name." She tells me and before I can say anything I hear it too. Hushed but not far away.

We both follow the sound of the particular voice and sit against a tree, hidden from their sight. Three dwarves. Two obviously very drunk.

"I heard Talia wakes crying every night." One of them tells the other two.

"Well of course she does." The sober one says. "She just lost her family."

The two drunk ones ignore him as they continue to gossip about me. "I heard Dwalin comforts her very time."

"They've been courting for a while." The sober one says getting irritated with the other two.

"Oh pha-leeze." One of the drunk ones say. "Everyone knows Its a set up. Dwalin could never love a mouse like her. He's just a shield she hides behind."

Y/N tenses up beside me but I hold her back. I want to know where this is going. "Easy." I whisper to her

"Yeah," the other one agrees. "She didn't even fight against the dragon she hid in her hovel with that family of hers until they died and Dwalin dragged her and her sister out."

"I've had enough of this." Y/N hisses and once again I hold her back.

"Let me handle this sis." I tell her.

"She just lost her family for Mahals sake!" The sober one says obviously angry now. "Show some respect."

I walk over to the dwarves and sit in between the two drunk ones tapping down their necks to their spine quickly. They freeze. "Hello Boys." I say.

"Why can't I move?" One of the drunk ones asks his voice a little awkward.

"Oh no worries. I just blocked your chi temporarily leaving you paralyzed." I tell them.

They begin to panic before I pinch the back of their necks making them shut up. "Lets get a few things straight boys. Never ever disgrace my family. My courtship is my business and no. I do not hind behind Dwalin. Why would I need to when I can render you paralyzed with just a touch? Now. My life is my business. Speak of me again in gossip and I will do more than just temporarily paralyze you." The send I let go of their necks they both slump over unconscious.

I sigh and shake out my now sore hands. The sober Dwarf, who I know notice is around my age gives me an apologetic look. "Miss Talia please forgive my father and uncle I know they stepped over the line but they aren't normally this way." He says quickly.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Fadier." He says and politely bows his head.

"Nah. It's alright Fadier. Maybe they learned tonight that looks are deceiving and I am not one to pick a fight with." I stand and Fadier stumbles to follow. "Come, you can join us at our camp sight." I tell him and Y/N leads him off to it.

I feel big strong arms wrap around my waist and immediately lean into them. "How much of that did you hear?" I ask.

"All of it." Dwalin tells me. His laugh vibrating against my back. "They certainly learned not to mess with you."

I turn around and we embrace. As I pull out of the hug his hands cup my cheeks. He must have seen sadness in my eyes and he strokes his thumbs over my cheek bones.

"Hey. Don't listen to them. I love you more than anything on this earth." He tells me and pulls me into another hug.

"I love you too my Dwalin." I whisper.

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