Funeral for Prince and Princess Under the Mountain

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"It's time Laddie." Balin says, his face streaked with his own tears.

"I can't do this. I can't..." Thorin choaks out a sob and covers his face with his hands.

Balin waits patently as Thorin attempts to calm himself. "Come now lad." Balin says and leads the grieving king out into the throne room.

Candles are lit spread across the room making the newly golden floor shine. The company parts as Thorin enters the room and he tries best he can not to break down.

Freya and Kili lay on their stone coffins. Each of then wearing their battle armor, for no one could bear making them look any different.

Fili sits beside his brothers body, holding his hand. Not uttering a word. His features hardened with grief.

"She died saving my life..." Thorin tells them. The company all bows their head in grief they had all loved Freya and they had all loved Kili.

"She saved my life as well." Fili says, his voice course. "I should have died beside Kili."

Everyone remains quiet, wrapped up in their own grief. Soon they begin to hum. One last song to be shared with their fallen kin. Dwalin begins to sing.

"Dark the stars and Dark the moon."

"Hush the night and the morning loon,"

"Tell the horses and beat on your drum,"

"Gone their master, gone their son,"

"Dark the oceans, dark the sky,"

"Hush the whales and the ocean tide,"

Everyone joins in and sings.

"Tell the salt marsh and beat on your drum,"

"Gone their master, gone their son,"

"Dark to light and light to dark,"

"Three black carriages, three white carts,"

"What brings us together is what pulls us apart,"

"Gone our brother, gone our heart."

"Hush the whales and the ocean tide,"

"Tell the salt marsh and beat on your drum,"

"Gone their master, gone their son."

"Farewell, Prince and Princess Under the Mountain."

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